Chapter 9

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Ithrika smiled as she spoke with Elthal, they were discussing the fate of the newborn deer and its mother; the future stag had been born with a golden coat and silver markings and would probably be the most legendary of all deer. When Elthal left to tend to the little family, Ithrika began walking towards the Forest Circle which was her most sacred space in the Forest, lost deep in thought. The balance of Harmony was always shifting but had started to become more unstable since the worldstone had been destroyed and Tyrael had seemingly just vanished; Ithrika knew better as he had discussed with her what he had planned on doing should the Worldstone ever become corrupted. But as she walked she began remembering the former and mortal friends she had once had and stopped looking out over the fields as her mind wondered what they were doing. She sighed as she heard someone approch, turned and was met with the sight of Itherael coming up to her. "You are ill at ease?" He asked as she shook her head.

"No, just re-exploring old memories and wondering where all my former mortal friends are now."

"Such things will come and eventually pass." He told her coming to stand next to her as she looked over the fields.

"I am aware, but I still can't help but to miss them and wonder what is happening to them. I often sit alone and ponder why I am so willing to know my fate as I do as an Archangel but they...." She trailed off with a heavy heart.

"All you can do child, is remember them. It will help you to move on." Itherael pointed out as Ithrika nodded in understanding. He dpokewith her on some other things but eventually left her to her thoughts.


Elthal walked through the forest, he was charged with keeping the forest under check and all those not of her following were watched carefully but were treated kindly. "Elthal, how does the newborn fare?" A female angel asked walking up as he recognized her.

"Lumrael," he greeted her. He was always cautious around the warrior female, who hailed from the Halls of Valor, as she treated him differently then their brothers. He knew she wanted something more then friendship and he seemed to be the object of her desire. "The fawn is well. We are keeping a close eye on him and his mother."

Lumrael nodded, "I do mean to ask you something and not about the fawn." She told him as he cocked his head to the side. "I was...I'll just come out and ask it: will you be my mate?"

Elthal froze, neither realizing that Ithrika was standing closeby and listening,. "Lumrael... I will not be your mate. You and I are not meant to be. However, your song will be in Harmony with another, from the Library. Seek out Tonron and speak with him about finding your mate." Elthal turned away as Lumrael thought for a minute, but she eventually left to find Tonron and discovered that it was his song that echoed in Harmony with hers. He remembered that it was Archangel Ithrika who had convinced the others of letting Angels be with other angels to encourage the Harmony within the Heavens to grow. Elthal wondered who his future mate was but shook his head, remembering the struggle Ithrika had had with convincing Imperius to let it happen. The Archangel of Valor had been unrelenting for the longest time, that was until he met Fehnael. Elthal smiled as he remembered that Itherael and Auriel both had Mates as well, both angels being of Archangel status; but he frowned upon realizing that Ithrika herself was mateless and began to wonder why that was exactly.

"Elthal? What troubles you so?" Ithrika's calm voice echoed as she approched him. He looked to his beloved Archangel and felt his 'heart' melt at the sight of her.

"Lady Ithrika, I was thinking upon how you are the only remaining Archangel without a life-mate to call your own." Elthal, himself, was a minor Archangel but believed himself unworthy of such a beauty as his leader.

"I see." Ithrika's silvery wings waved gently back and forth as if an invisible breeze brushed through them as the silence filled the air. "What about it is bothering you so?"

"Well...Mi''s just...such a being like yourself would have normally been claimed by one worthy of your love by now. I am just wondering why you have not." He explained to the best of his ablities. Speaking with her like this was rare and therefore made him feel uneasy in her presence.

Ithrika thought for a moment with a soft smile playing at her lips. "Tell me something Elthal: do you know the story of my origins?"

He shook his head and looked down in shame. "I am afriad I do not, Lady Ithrika."

"Fear not Elthal, for you are not alone. Many newer angels will never know, but you will. Come sit, listen to the tale I am going to tell you and listen closely..." With that she began her story of her own origin and he listened close not noticing the three remaining Council members approching as Ithrika spoke, well not until Imperius interrupted.

"Ithrika will always be the first mortal to have ascended to a proper form befitting the trueborn daughter of an Archangel. Malthael knew that she would be a powerful champion, but did not expect us to all adore her so." Imperius smiled as the minor Archangel jumped at the hand placed on his shoulder.

Auriel smiled kindly then, "We each took our turns in teaching Ithrika what we could, but we had not noticed just how close she was to becoming a true Archangel in her own rights."

"That was," Itherael looked from Ithrika to Elthal then. "Until she came to me with a question. She knew of the demonic side of herself and was hoping I would aid her in being able to purge it from her as she felt disconnected from it."

Ithrika smiled at Elthal as he looked to her. "We did discover a way but it wasn't able to be preformed as the demons kidnapped me to attempt to make me their queen. The next thing I truly remember was awakening as a true Archangel with all my memories intact and a voice tell me I had earned my rightful place as the Archangelic Aspect of Harmony."

"So you are...were.. a former mortal?" Elthal was shocked as she nodded.

"Yes, but I ascended and still will be forever know as the daughter of Malthael." Ithrika nodded.

"But...but why trust me with this story?" Elthal asked confused as the archangels smiled.

"You are my mate, Elthal. Listen closely to your song and then listen to mine. We are meant to be." Ithrika held his hand in hers and Elthal smiled as he listened.

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