I am not scared of people leaving me, I am scared of the loneliness and memories they leave behind in the wake of my fall.
At such times in my life, I don't want shallow consolations that everything will be okay.
I don't want you to tell me that you are there for me, what i want from you is to be there for me, to hold my hand so I don't feel lonely, to lend me your shoulder to cry on so that I know you understand my sorrows, to listen to my nonsense so that I can learn you care for me, to smile at me so I can have hope that I can make through it.
Rather than telling me everything is going to be okay, walk that path with me. I am not asking you to walk my path for me, I am asking you to bear with me till I find happiness again on my own. I am asking you to prove your friendship to me.
Because those are the times when i need your friendship most.