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            When Zayn is a mere seven years old his entire family is murdered right in front of his eyes. There is blood splattered over his face and clothes and there are tears pouring down his cheeks. He’s never felt so much fear and pain before. The screeches leaving his mouth aren’t even human and are filled with so much agony it could move anyone to tears. Zayn doesn’t understand what is happening. He doesn’t understand why his family deserved this. Was it something they did?

            A cold hand is placed on Zayn’s chin and his face is pulled up and then he is staring into the eyes of his family’s killers. The man’s lips are placed by Zayn’s ear and he whispers a cold chain of words into the side of his face. Zayn whimpers and pulls away, crawling through a small pool of blood and to the other side of the room where his mother’s motionless body is sitting.

            “Mama,” Zayn cries, “Mama,”


[Ten Years Later]

            “Zayn, seriously, this is one of the very last houses we can place you in. It’s important that you give it all you can. You need to talk. The families are worried about you, okay?”

            It’s Zayn’s social worker that’s speaking to him, Ms. Layanette, and the words make Zayn’s stomach flip violently. He doesn’t want to speak. He hasn’t spoken since he was seven years old and lying with his mother’s dead body.

            “This family is the Johnson family, okay? They have two other kids and a big backyard with a trampoline. They also have dog.  You like dogs, right?”

            Zayn remains silent.

            “Please, Zayn, just promise me you’ll try this time,” She continues, “There is only one other family left after the Johnsons. Just try, please,”

            Zayn looks out the window as they pull up in front of this big house with a family of four standing on the lawn and smiling. Zayn already knows he won’t stay here for long. The kids will make fun of him. The parents will think he’s crazy. Something will happen and he will be pushed back into the foster care system until he turns eighteen.

            But Zayn has no emotions on all of this.

            It’s all he has ever known.


This was written by Anonymous43

I hope you guys will like this story! Kidd and I are going to work as much as we can on it, okay?


Let us know what you think.






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