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Your pov:

*alarm clock rings* ugh nooo school and it's Monday. I hit the clock until it stopped. I slowly pull myself up from lying down. I look at my clock.
I get out bed, turn on the radio.
Hey its spin fm, 6am here's a song you all getting up and starting first day of school!

Oh no not this cheesy yet great song. A/N: I like this song don't judge me hahaha
I quickly run around and put some clothes on, run downstairs to be greeted by both of my parents and older brother Bruce. I sit down and quickly eat. "Whoa there belly, there isn't a race." My dad says chuckling. " I don't want to go on the bus so I'm going with Adam." I say looking at him. "It's fine with me." Bruce smiling at me. We finish our breakfast, grab our bags and go to Bruce car. We drive to school.
"So you looking forward to it?" Bruce looks at me. I snort laugh. "I don't mind it, it's just the people surrounding me. Most of them are like monkeys." "You referencing mean girls?" He chuckles. "Maybe." Looking out the window with a smile. We arrive into the school. We park the car, Bruce's friends walk over. I get out, I say hello quietly to his friends. "I see you after school?" I nod at Bruce. "Good luck sis." I smile I grab tightly of my scrap of my bag, walk into the hallway. I walk past everyone leaning on the lockers like they are cool. I walk into the office to get my timetable, I decide to walk to class early so I can get a good seat and not be heckled.
When I get the classroom I already seen a few friends of mine sitting down James, Willow, Sam and Connor. I smile at all of them sit next to them. We all talk before everyone else walks in. The last few people walk in, my breath is hitched when Dove Cameron walks in. She has her small squad of cheerleaders follow her in. She's my crush, not many people know only Bruce and my friends, they always pick on me because I like her so much. Problem is she's popular I'm a geek.
I don't think we mix well but I wish in my dreams we would.

A/N: hi! First chapter! Please tell me what you think! Comment below, Vote and Follow me! I appreciate it! 😚

High School Crush (Dove Cameron/You)Where stories live. Discover now