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Dove sits two seats ahead of me with her squad, just that moment her boyfriend who I don't like because I think is cheating on her Ryan walks in

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Dove sits two seats ahead of me with her squad, just that moment her boyfriend who I don't like because I think is cheating on her Ryan walks in. He happily sits down beside her, giving her a peck on the cheek before sitting forward. I decide to ignore them and actually listening to my teacher for once. Our teacher Mr Jones walks in, I look at him seems he got a new style of clothes this year. 

"Welcome back everyone, I hope you all had a pleasant summer." he smiles I hear someone woop to that comment. "As for that, we are going straight into a group project of twos. " People groan, I smile slightly since I love projects. Mr Jones going into more details about the project handing out sheets what exactly we need to do, "Now the fun bit, putting you all into small groups. Now I decided to now to change it up a bit, one high academic student and another student who is average." My head perks up hearing that. He begins to call out names "Y/N L/N and Dove Cameron." my mouth drops, I quickly close it when I see Dove turning around to look at me, she give me one of those smiles.  I smile back. Kill me please I'M DYING!

 I keep myself calm, Mr Jones then  made everyone go into their groups, Dove slowly walks over to my desk. She pulls a chair over, sits in front of me. 

"Hi." smiling at me, I gulp I take a breath. "Hi" I breath out. Dove giggles. "I'm Dove." "I'm Y/N" we hand shake. We begin to discuss about the project and where we do it.

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