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Today I was going to Dove's house so we could start on our project together

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Today I was going to Dove's house so we could start on our project together. I was pretty nervous to go over to her house. I don't know if I could get out of my car and walk over to the door and ring it.. I felt like ringing it and running away hiding for fear. Why because I'm scared to mess up in front of her shes my crush for god sake.  I take a deep breath, I get out of my car locking it and bringing my backpack with me walking up to her house, knocking on the door. . I look behind me, I still have  a chance to run away..

 I look behind me, I still have  a chance to run away

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(Dove's House Pic above)

The door opens widely, I look up to see the cute Blondie in front me. I see a huge smile on her face. ."Y/N you made it!" she smiles. "Hi" I whisper loudly. "Come in come in." she says slightly pulling me in. I walk in, "Wow, your house is beautiful.." I look around. "Aw thank you, as I was going to say Welcome to the Cameron Crib." she giggles. I smile. 

(Just Imagine it's Christmas time technically it is lol * face palm *)

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(Just Imagine it's Christmas time technically it is lol * face palm *)

Dove gives me a tour around her house.. It's huge! Like I know her parents are super rich because her father is a well known lawyer and her mum is a huge famous writer which I read a lot of. We stop at her mother's study door, "Do you want to meet my mum?" looking at me. "I love to if she isn't too busy." I smile. She nods knocking on the door a couple of times, we hear a brief come in. She opens the door to show a large study.  "Holy cow." I say breath under my breath. "Mom, this is Y.N L/N. We are doing a project together for school." I look at her mother who is sitting at desk with her laptop. "Hello Mrs Cameron..." I say moving forward. "Ah hello Y/N, nice to meet you. I think I met you before?" "Yes actually, at your book signing in town." I say smiling. "You read my mum books?" Dove asked. "Yup, I have read every single one of them." Smiling. "She's a big fan Dove, she's even in the book fan club." her mum smiles. I nod going read. " I didn't know anyone read the book at school, I only thought it was me." says Dove surprising. "No no Y/N has read them from the start I know that because she was one of the first people to do a book review on the very first book on her blog." her mum smiles proudly. "You have a blog?" Dove says. I just nod. "Clearly Dove you don't know a lot about Y/N" her mum smirks. "No I don't, come Y/N we better start this project." she says pulling my hand. "It was good to see you Mrs Cameron again!" "Likewise Y/N" smiling. Dove takes me to her bedroom.

 Dove takes me to her bedroom

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"I like your bedroom." I say gently putting my bag down. "Thank you Y/N. Do you want a drink or anything?" "I'm good thanks." We both settle down and begin to discuss on the project.

A/N: Hey so what you think? Comment, Vote, Follow! :)

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