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Your POV:

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Your POV:

I walked to class seeing Dove sitting separated from Ryan her mug off boyfriend, she is sitting beside my desk where I usually sit. I walk slowly over sit down pulling out my books, I look up to see her staring. "Morning." I smile pulling out a pen, getting my work ready to hand up to our History teacher. "Morning." she smiles back, "So why you aren't you sitting with your boyfriend?" I ask her. "He was been a jerk so I wanted to hang out with someone who actually wants to talk about something other than football and about themselves. "Oh not getting on with him?" I question before I look back up to her. She sighs, before leaning into me. "I'm thinking of breaking up with him." I look at her seriously, "Why?" "I think he has been with other girls and I'm not really happy to be with him anymore." before I could say anything else our teacher walks in. "Hello everyone, if you can hand up your homework from yesterday please." he says. I watch everyone expect Ryan and another girl who is Dove's cheer leading squad not handed up their work, I frown but hand up mine to Mr Brown. He smiles nodding to me and Dove. "Now if you can please go and read page 105 to 120 about the French Revolution please." he says sitting down beginning to correct the homework. I begin to reading until I see Dove studying me, I look up. She blushes and looks back down to the book blushing. I smile slightly and get back reading the book.

Dove POV:

After Y/N catches me looking at her, I decided what I was going to do. I'm going to break up with Ryan. I texted him telling him to meet me under the bleachers. He was waiting for me, I walk up to him. "Hey babe." "Hi." he begins to lean in to me but I put my hand up to stop. He looks at me, "Everything okay?" "I wanted to talk." "Okay?" looking at me like I was puzzle. "I'm breaking up with you. I don't have the mutual feelings for you anymore."  He looks at me shocked before I click my boots into the ground walk off. He shouts back to me to come back but I just give him the middle finger walking off with a huge grin. I did it I broke up with Ryan and it's the best feeling ever!

I walk into the hallway to see one of my cheer squad standing over a girl who it turns out to be Y/N. "Chanel what the hell you doing?" I look at her. She jumps hearing my voice and stands backwards, "I.. I was" "Bullying?" "No" she squeaks. "Yes you were I seen you do this before I'm sorry but if any of my cheer squad thinks that is right but I'm sorry it's not so your off the squad. Take the uniform to Miss Jones and explain why." I say before I gather Y/N books on the floor. "Come on Y/N, let's go" I say helping her up. I leave Chanel standing there shell shocked. I take Y/N to the back of library. "Everything okay Y/N?" I turn to check on her. She nods. "Thank you for saving me." she whispers. I smile and blush. "We are friends Y/N, that's what friends do." smile. She pops her head up, "We are friends now?" she looks at me. I giggle, "Course!" I smile and she smiles back.

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