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Dove POV:

Word got out that I and Y/N were dating but I didn't care. She made me happy, course my parents know and want to meet her. I mean they want to meet Y/N tonight, having dinner with my family. I nervous because one I don't want my dad to embarrass me and 2. doesn't make Y/N uncomfortable. I was in my bedroom getting ready for dinner, I dress in a yellow shirt and white light jumper.

 I was in my bedroom getting ready for dinner, I dress in a yellow shirt and white light jumper

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I hear my phone buzzing, I see Y/N name ringing me. 

D: Hello?

Y/N: Hey, I'm outside *chuckles*

D: You're early

  Y/N: I know but I wanted to make an impression

D: You don't have to, you already have my heart.

 Y/N: Well that's very smooth Dove *laughs* I'm going to ring the bell, you better open the door

D: Don't worry I'm coming now, see you in a moment

  Y/N: Alright bye

I run downstairs hearing the doorbell, I open the door.  Seeing Y/N with flowers in a cute outfit wearing jeans, a blouse and leather jacket. "Hi," she says giving me a smile. "Hey, come in," I say. She comes in, "You look lovely." she says. "Thank you, you look pretty smart," I say shyly. She chuckles. "Ah our guest has arrived, cucumber", Says my dad. I look nervously over to Y/N, but she looks cucumber. (LOL) We go into the living room, dad sits across from me and Y/N. I look at Y/N, she gives a smile to me. "Sir theses are for Mrs Cameron." she hands the flowers to him. "Thank you very much. I put them in the kitchen," he says stands up going to the kitchen. "That was nice of you," I say. "Well, I want to be nice, because if they don't like me they may not let me see you." She says looking at me. "They don't care, just you make me happy they be happy." she nods. Dad walks back in. "Oh and this is for you," she says. "My parents got it for me, hopefully, this is a good one." handing a bottle of wine. "Thank you Y/N.,." my dad says looking at the wine bottle. "New Zealand, oh my favourite win," he says smiling. Mum walks in. "Ah Hello Y/N, welcome," she says. Y/N stands up and mum walks up to giving her a hug. I can Y/N having a surprised face. I laugh. "Dinner is ready so please follow me," she says taking Y/N hand and leading her to the dining room.


I sit down beside Dove, her parent's sits across from us. "So Y/N, what are you planning to do after high school?" Dove father says. "Well, I want to study musical theatre," I say sipping from my glass of water. We discuss other topics until the bombshell came down. "So Y/N, you and Dove. What does Dove mean to you?" her father asked me. Dove nearly spits out her water she was drinking. "I care about her, if anything happened I wouldn't be able to deal with it. I would protect her from anything and I really do like her." I say looking at her father in a serious tone and looking at him straight into his eye. "Right that do me," he says smiling. "Welcome to the family," he says. He stands and we hand shake. 

From there Dove and I date happily and don't care about anyone think of us. We both happy and in love.

A/N: ANNND that's it. Meaning story has ended. Sorry if it came to an end short but I hope to write another story with Dove it soon. Thank you so much for reading! Much love. Vote, Comment and Follow. <3

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