r e q u e s t s .

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Thank you so much for reading my first book! So, basically in this book, I'm gonna read various scenarios regarding Fuyuhiko and Reader-chan! Feel free to request me any category that you like, including:-







*Suicidal! (Probably the same like bullied!)







-Requests will only be accepted in this part (It makes me easier to keep track of them)

-When requesting, please insert a specific gender (Fem! Reader/ G/N), genre (Fluff, angst), and it'll be easier to write if you notify me about the plot (Does it take place during the killing game? School AU?)

-Will probably accept NSFW. Probably :)


Have fun!

(Warning: Slow updates)

Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now