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x tsundere! reader

(A/N)This is requested by @KatNova27! I hope you enjoy it! :D

Fyi this story takes place in Jabberwock Island in the Dangan Island Mode when Usami defeats Monokuma in a battle. Have fun reading!


You were now at Fuyuhiko's cottage, lying down on his bed while he leaned against the side of his bed.

       It was awfully quiet. You sighed. Awkward, you thought.

       Fuyuhiko glanced at you for a second. He probably didn't realise it, but apparently you caught him slightly blushing at you.

       "So, what are we going to do now?", You asked.

        "I don't know. You're the one who asked me to hang out, after all."

       "H-hey! I was bored, okay? I had nothing else to do so I could only think of wasting ti- um, I mean, hanging out with you..",

       He looked slightly annoyed. "Wasting time, you wanted to say, (Y/N)?"

       You looked away, looking at your nails. Yeah, you had a slight crush on him, oh wait, actually you had a big crush on him. Goddammit, you just feel like squishing his baby-faced cheeks, but you just hid it in you. You would just act probably kinda rude around him, just to make him feel like you don't have any feelings for him.

       "T-that's not what I meant, you idiot...", You're voice slightly softer, also blushing.

       You got off his bed, now sitting next to him. 

      "Uhm, now what do you want?", He crossed his arms, looking at you.

         "I-I don't know actually. J-jeez....I wonder if this really is a waste of time!", You pouted. But Fuyuhiko definitely didn't looked happy.

        "You know what, (Y/N)? If you don't wanna lose time, then you better not come, dumbass!"

        'Crap, I don't think things went too well. Fuck my life.' You thought.

       When he said that, you immediately puffed your cheeks and rested your head on his shoulder, which made him blush even more.

         Then, you finally confessed. "I-I  actually have no other person to talk to, really! And I'm only comfortable with y-you because you're the person who actually bothered to socialise with me even thought I'm that much of a bitch!", You said at his face.

        You continued. "A-and! IactuallylikeyoubecauseyourejustafuckingcutieandIwanttosquishyourbabyfacedcheekssofuckinghardthatIllexplodeandyourethekindestbastardIveeverhad!", You gasped for air, but in the end, you were blushing profusely.

      Fuyuhiko looked at you, dumbfounded. Good grief. Now you realised you probably made him mad because of what you said. But he probably wouldn't hear you because you talked too fastly.

      "H-hey! I-it's not like I-I meant any of those, okay?!", Your face was now as red as a tomato. Crap. You confessed to your crush. Will he feel the same anyway?

       Surprisingly, he leaned closer to you, and smirked. "So this is the soft side of you, huh?",

       Your face was even redder, and you thought you were going to die.

      "H-hey, I don't know why, but I like you too.", He said, smiling, wait, SMILING?! You never knew he would be this attractive, regardless of his height (A/N) Reader-chan is still shorter than him tho, loli-tsundere! :3)

       Before you knew it, you felt his lips pressing on yours. You were shocked at first, but you melted into the kiss, and returned it to him, your hands on his shoulders. 

       You both soon parted for air, and Fuyuhiko laughed a little, "Well, (Y/N). I'd never knew you'd be this cute,"

        This made you blush again, but you were also mad a little. "Jeez, Fuyuhiko! You idiot!",

        Then you hung out for a little longer and cuddled each other until Usami's nighttime announcement. Love, love!~

You have gained a Hope Fragment!


(A/N) OMFG FINALLY! I've completed the first story! I'm really, really sorry if this was late or something, I was busy with family events and school activities. But hey, it really was fun! I'm sorry if I had any grammar mistakes, very short or poor writing, I'm just a beginner :') 

Oh yeah, I'm working on the Fuyuhiko x Child! Reader, it's gonna be so sweet and adorbs! :3

Yours despairfully, 


(674 words)

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