j i n g l e b e l l s .

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Hello everyone! I'm delaying the current requests to work on a Fuyuhiko x reader holiday special! :D This is also an AU where noone gives a shit about despair. Oh! And is there anyone who is a fan of Love Live? I'm inserting Jingle Bells ga Tomoranai because why not?

Enjoy! :3


"I got the decoratio- AHH!", You tripped as the dozens of holiday decorations fell out of your arms after you entered class 77th.

"(Y/N)! If your having trouble with of those you can just ask us to help!", Chisa gave a concerned look as she helped you up and the other girls helped to pick up the decorations. You gave a small giggle.

"Hehe, I like doing things quickly so I wanted to carry all of them at once", You gave a bright smile.

"Geez! You could've have broken some of the ornaments", Mahiru complained as she examined some of the Christmas ornaments that you've dropped.

"Okay, okay! I'm sorry! Let's get on with it!", You exclaimed excitedly, while picking up some ribbon and bells.

Sonia also looked interested at the clothes and that you were wearing."Hm, that is quite a fancy outfit, I must say, (Y/N)",

(A/N) I designed an outfit for Reader-chan! I hope it suits you :3 (And the character below is my OC)

"Ah, me and Celeste-san designed it together, it's quite warm and comfy", You held your poofy skirt (I'm kinda bad at describing outfits, forgive me) and looked at your (f/c) striped socks, all down to your platform shoes that had a cute fuzzball ...

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"Ah, me and Celeste-san designed it together, it's quite warm and comfy", You held your poofy skirt (I'm kinda bad at describing outfits, forgive me) and looked at your (f/c) striped socks, all down to your platform shoes that had a cute fuzzball at the tip. 

You looked at everyone in the classroom. "Well, let's begin!",


(Y/N) and her classmates decorated the classroom of class 77th beautifully, leaving holiday vibe to it. The walls were decorated with wreaths and silk ribbons, and a few dangling bells. The other wrote various Christmas wishes on the blackboard. And the icon of the class, was a semi-large Christmas tree that stood at the corner near the blackboard. Lots of colourful ribbons and ornaments were on it, and a golden star on the top of it. 



"Yahoo! Done at last!", Ibuki squealed happily.

"Such a wonderful sight, it feels so...hopeful", Nagito stared in awe, a tear falling from his eye. (GTFO hope)

"We've done it, guys", Chiaki let a heartwarming smile.

"Hey, hey! Hanamura-san and I prepared the meals!", Hiyoko came  in with Teruteru, bringing in two carts full of dishes. Akane glared at the food, while drooling.

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