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x mastermind! reader

(A/N) This has been requested by @SarahLovesWaffles! Your fabricated talent this time is Ultimate Pianist! (Imagine Kaede isn't here lol) So um kids this might teach you about privacy and knock before you enter! You never know when you enter someone's room they might be changing clothes (Kinky eeeeh ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) And Oh, and once again, sorry for either poor or short writing.



Fuyuhiko's POV

I've always wondered why (Y/N) never let anyone into her cottage. She was always upbeat and close with everyone. She always never answers when someone knocks the door on her cottage and declines everyone's requests to hang out at her place. It's not about privacy, but it feels suspicious.


"Yo, (Y/N). Wanna hang out at your place for a while?"

"E-eh? What for? There's nothing fun in my cottage!"

"Huh? It's not that. I'm pretty bored so I just wanted to talk to you for a while'

"A-ah, not my place! Why not yours? It's probably a better place or we can go somewhere else." She tilted her head slightly.

"Not that, dumbass. It just feels weird that you let noone in."

"Sheesh, Fuyu. I have my own reasons, you know? I don't really like letting anyone in"

"Tch, fine then. What about the library then?"

"Fuwah! I hope I find more music books there, lets go!'


(Flashback end)

Sometime I think maybe she just likes noone entering. But somehow it feels like she's hiding something. Even her past is a complete mystery. She's damn cheerful it annoys me sometimes, but at the same time she can be as creepy as fuck.

That was why I took an interest in her.

(Y/N) (L/N). Ultimate Pianist.


(Timeskip to  Chapter 3)

(3rd Person POV)

After Mahiru and Peko's deaths have passed, (Y/N) lost her cheeriness. The pianist was still friendly, but a bit serious. She shed too many tears during the second trial. She already lost her closest friend, Peko and nearly lost Fuyuhiko. Or has she?

 The dead students weren't actually dead. They're all just comatose. Yet, (Y/N) already knew that. Her sympathetic personality was all just an act. Of course she's a cheery person, that's what she really is anyway. Surprisingly, she was the mastermind of the Killing School Trip. Many would ask, how could she do something as cruel as this? Well...let's say she wanted to be the successor of Junko Enoshima and tried to revive her and wanted to create clones of Junko made with her dead friends.

Apparently (Y/N) appeared at the wrong place and the wrong time. She only wanted to get some things she left behind. Guess what? She ended up witnessing the first Mutual Killing Game. She had to watch in horror as the student council had to be murdered in so many brutal ways.

And yet the one who caused all this was Junko Enoshima. One of her close friends.


"Eeeeeh, we have a witness here! Awh, look at the priceless look on her face seeing all those bloodshed!", Junko squealed, looking at (Y/N)'s petrified face.

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