c h o c o l a t e .

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x shy! reader

Requested by: @Malatite 


Oh the reader also speaks in third-person if you don't mind :)))






"I wouldn't mind if it were you, really. You're someone special to me after all"





(Author's POV)

"Crap! Crap! Crap!"

"Eeeep! (Y/N) failed!"

"Why can't (Y/N) be more smarter?"

You keep squeaking to yourself, mentally screaming and slapping yourself for what happened just now. It was Valentine's Day, and you wanted to at least give some sweets to your crush, Fuyuhiko. Strange eh to have a crush on a fierce yakuza? Wait, let me correct that. A fierce BABYFACED and SMOL yakuza.

And you happened to struggle in engaging conversations with the gangster, trying to make sure that you're not to awkward or weird when facing him. Well, that was so that you could just give your  precious handmade ultimate chocolates. Well, apparently your talent was the SHSL Chocolatier. Fancy amirite?

And yet you failed again. What made sweet (Y/N) a rampaging mess? Well...

(Flashback) early in the story again lmao

A lovely day in Hope's Peak Academy. February 14th, Valentine's Day. The cold winter breeze flew around in the prestigious school as students gather to give gifts to their best friends, or maybe confessing to their crushes. 

(Ehem, is that a good intro?)

(Y/N) decided it will be best for her to confess to Fuyuhiko though, she told her best friends, Peko and Ibuki, surprisingly even Peko was into it.

"I shall support this love of yours and young-master," Peko said in her usually stoic-toned voice

"Kyaaaa! OTP material! OTP material!" Ibuki fangirled, with you shaking your head.


"A-ah! This is (Y/N)'s chance now!", You looked at the empty classroom. Surprisingly enough during recess the classes are empty, with others busy giving presents to their loved ones. Fuyuhiko was in a different class from yours and your upperclassman. You were in class 78th, him being in 77-B.

Wouldn't it be awkward suddenly barging into your senpai's class?

Oh well. Here goes nothing. *inhale (BOI)

"K-Kuzuryuu-senpai!", You struggled to enter the classroom. Did I mention that Ibuki and Peko were secretly watching you from afar?

"Oh, you're (L/N) (Y/N) right? Peko once mentioned you when she was with me", Your face went red when you knew Peko was talking about you.

"Y-yes...(Y/N) is h-her best friend...", Will he think you're weird by the way you speak? Ibuki talks first-person style a lot though...

"Ah, I forgot it's Valentine's Day today. I don't want any bitches sucking up on me, so you can go make like a tree and fuck off."

Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now