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child! fuyuhiko x child! reader

(A/N) Soo....this has been requested by @IssyLai! I actually had to redo this story because the plot was bad af! >///< 

Please enjoy this tho :3 Thank youuu! <Psh, that was 2 months ago lel


3rd person POV


"Thank you, sensei!", All the students in (Y/N)'s class chanted. Ah, it was finally time to go home after a day at elementary school. She walked to the gate with her group of friends, chatting as usual. 

      Someone caught her eye though.

      "Ah, who's (Y/N) staring at as always?~", (F/N) cooed. "Ah, it's Kuzuwyuu-kun, baby-gangsta!!!", (Y/N)'s other friend, (2nd F/N) tagged along, looking at a boy standing below a tree.

      "S-stop it! I don't like h-him!B-besides, he has Pekoyama!", You blushed profusely.

      "Oh, it's obvious ya know! (Y/N)-chan is blushiiing!~", 

       (Y/N)'s friends sure are annoying and teasy when it come to love and crushes. Apparently (Y/N) started having a crush on Fuyuhiko ever since he started sitting beside her in class. After that, she couldn't really focus in class anymore. 

       Even her friends can notice it, (Y/N) being the person who's seriously bad at hiding her feelings. 

    Oh, back to the story....

(Y/N)'s POV

"S-shut up, will you?! Jeez, you're so damn annoying!", I kept denying it, even though they already know it. Probably they'll think I've got over it? No...that'll never happen, I guess.

      But then (F/N)'s gonna be like the motivational speaker for me, "Hey, listen up! You can't hide your feelings forever! You can't just sit there, being a shy little cinnamon roll! Power up! Be more assertive! Go there and talk to him!",

     Oh my, suddenly being serious here huh?

     You glanced at Fuyuhiko for a while. Oh, he's talking with Peko now. 

     "Hey, he's there talking with Pekoyama-san. You jealous huh?", (2nd F/N) teased me again. I puffed my cheeks. 

      "N-no! I-I'm not! I think they're basically family, so it's ok!", I defended myself. To be honest. I was jealous. Seeing them all close together. Also, there's this 'tool' and 'young master' connection between them. Even I don't know why they're like that. I just did a little investigation about Fuyuhiko and then I knew about their relationship. Is it a kink or somethi- oh god (Y/N), stop being dirty-minded!

        (F/N) glared at my eyes with suspicion, making me shiver a little bit. "Awh! (Y/N)-chan is so cute when she's jelly!", (F/N) squeaked.

        "Hawawawa! Nooo, stop it! Stop teasing mee!", I sweated, waving my hands in front of me. 

       But being the annoying friends they are, (F/N) and (2nd F/N) kept cooing and annoying me, as I kept denying my feelings for Fuyuhiko.

      But what I didn't knew, was that he was secretly watching me from far way.

Fuyuhiko's POV (Tried my best to not make him OOC and he's still a kid, so he probably doesn't swear a lot)

I've been watching (Y/N) for a while now. Just a few months ago, she moved to my school and sat next to me during homeroom. She's fucking annoying though. She's smart, but she falls asleep in class in almost every freaking class*groan*

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