y o u r n a m e ?

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Aye people! Soooo I just decided to do this request first since it's easier than writing shippings, hope you don't mind! (And welp another shy reader)

Btw spot the anime reference ;)))

Happy reading~






"Dumbass, try being more upfront or confident, will ya? Or get taller or something",

"....says the person who's small himself"





(Reader's POV)

"Gee, can't this bitch talk balk? Hey, stop stuttering. It's getting on my nerves", A boy said as him and his gang keep taunting me.

I held back my tears. It's been going on forever.

"I-I'm sorry! Please s-stop...", I shyly squeaked.

The mean guys, or 'bullies' as mama would call it..looked at each other and laughed. I squirmed a little. "Hah! This little wussy could talk? Pathetic.", The leader laughed as he pushed me, making me drop the books I was holding. "Ueeh!"

"Have fun picking those up, loser! See ya in class", Followed by more laughing.

I sighed. I'm mad inside. I want to fight, I want to talk back, but I always get underestimated. See? I'm only 123 cm. Like, I can easily get pushed around by others. They ALL think I'm weak

And, what can I do to fight back? I can't even voice my opinions towards others. Judged, ignored, cut off. I'm unable to make friends, be confident..I'm just worthless.




"Hey, you okay there?", I snapped out of my daze. I looked up. It was a short blond-haired boy, with a silver-haired girl trailing behind him. I tried to say a word. "I-I...-",

"Doesn't look like you're okay (You just answered your own question, idiot) I just saw those bullies just now."

"...", I crouched on the floor, saying nothing. I continued picking up my books, but then he suddenly helped me pick them up.

"Here," Without realising it, I was actually blushing. "A-ah! Thank you very much!", I couldn't stop bowing and thanking him. Nobody ever stood up for me. They'd laugh at me every time.

But I still didn't trust him, though.

"Ya know, try fighting back or somethin' will ya? People will make you an easy target if you're always passive like this. Jeez, weak people are so annoying..", That last statement of him me look down for a second. I know I'm...weak.

"....I can't. I can't fight back at all",

"Hey! Be strong for once!",


Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now