s p r i n g d a y .

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So, this is the greatest OTP of this book that you've been waiting for.....



Okok I just got to kpop and BTS recently so BLEHH


(okok I have nothing else to say enjoy this fic)






"I'm always waiting for you to return",





When I say that I want to see you
I want to see you even more
When I see pictures of you
I want to see you too

Time is too cruel
I hate us
Now it's hard to even see each other
Even once anymore
This place is all winter now
It's winter in August too


'Where is she?' Fuyuhiko wondered. It's been months, months for his childhood companion, to awaken. It's nearly 16th August, his birthday. He's always celebrate with her, Peko. Noone would usually remember (That's honestly so sad)

But she's not here.

He was still waiting for her. She sacrificed herself for him. He'll never forgive himself, he let her die. Not really, she's in a comatose.

The snowflakes falling down embodied a portrait of his past, when he was born. Peko was 2 months old by then, it was winter in August. That's where his name came from. Fuyuhiko: Winter prince.

They were happy, best friends, grew up together, but it's impossible to do so anymore...


I want to take you by the hand and

Take you to the other side of the Earth

And end this winter



"P-peko! Help, I'm scared!", Fuyuhiko squealed, holding onto the young swordswoman's pale arm. She just sighed. "Young master, it is fine. I'll take us home, I promise!", she asserted with a reassuring smile.

The cold, windy breeze blew around the two, making Fuyuhiko squint his golden orbs. "Are you sure, we're so up in the mountains! I w-won't...forgive those..asses!", For a moment, the small gokudo cheered, as he just said his first swear word.

But realizing the situation he was in, he resorted to crying uncontrollably. He felt a warm hug embracing him, struggling to calm him down. "Take my hand, young master, I'll always be there for you.",

Peko reached out her hand for Fuyuhiko to claim, and he did. They managed to escape, together.

(Flashback End)

Fuyuhiko couldn't even stop comtemplating his thoughts about her. What was he to Peko? A master to serve? A sibling? A friend, or more? She wasn't a tool. A human being. He hated the fact his companion risked her life for him, as a mere servant? No, why would she even think that?

Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now