Here is something I wrote for Wabi Sabi-
Your easing tones
Chill down my bones
I may be the song
But you are the one for whom I long
You give shape to my soul
Our relationship is immutable
Our love is an eternal fable
Which will remain forever unforgettable.
I incline myself
Along with your rhythm, your moves
Would I be myself
If you did not have your grooves?
Oh Dance, we are inseparable
For today and forever
We two are like the rain
Who after formation and wandering
Comes back to the source
We two are meant to blend
Into one
Because we are one
Just two forms of the same art
Reaching peoples' heart
What will the notes be
Without your art to beautify it?
What will singers do
Without the dancers to signify it?
Thus, we remain two book ends
Forever together
Supporting each other
And this is how, my beloved,
We shall be
Till the infinities of infinity.(c) Ishita Singh 2016
Random Poetry.
PoetryA collection of random poetry from a random teen!! Please read and share your views and suggestions with me! About me: Check my profile guys!!!! Comment • Vote • Follow ******************************************************** Cover image: Google Ima...