Chapter 15.2

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Hello lovelies! Sorry for all the delay! I was busy with ny university stuff! Kindly do comment! I would love to hear about your favorite scene and reviews about the chapter!

Happy Reading!

Chapter 15.2- Proceeding Towards THE End!

Manik's POV..

There was a severe pain in my head when I struggled to open my heavy eyes..

Bloody hell..

Where was I?

I looked around carefully and it was a basement kinda thing? But It was moving...

Gosh what's happening?

Suddenly the flashbacks, flashed in my head and I remembered that I fainted. Quickly I spotted my all four buddies lying unconscious and I frantically moved towards them.

"Hey! Hey guys!!!" I shouted patting to their cheeks..

I put my hand in front of their noses..

They were breathing..

Holy Christ...

I realized that we were in some kinda truck thing which was moving..

I looked at my wrist watch and it was striking 8?

8 of morning or night?

For how long I was unconscious.?

I looked around to spot any window but there wasn't any.

Taking a sigh I sat down. I searched for my pockets everything was gone.

This wasn't the time to panic it was time to think with brains..

Whatever the destination this truck was leading us mustn't be good. We all had to keep calm to face the worst..

"So? Where are we? Any idea?" I heard Harshad groaning as he sat up resting his back with the wall of the truck..

"Nopes! But I am having a feeling that we are in a deep sh!t!" I said with a chuckle..

"What's so funny?" Abhimanyu too was now awake..

"Nothing is funny! Was just trying to calm my nerves down!" I said with a sigh. Dhruv too was awake but he was quiet..

"Can you guys please stop talking! Am trying to sleep!" Cabir moaned in a cold tone and we all laughed as he sat up..

"So? Where this thing will lead us?" He continued slowly scratching his head and I shrugged..

"Maybe towards our worst!" I said lowly and all sighed..

"I want to go back home!" I heard Dhruv saying and I closed my eyes remembering my love..

She was waiting for me..

She wanted to tell me something..

Maybe something good?

I needed to know..

"I also wanna go back!" I said in a deep voice..

"Before that we have to face this problem!" Abhimanyu muttered and we all kept quiet..

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