The Break Up and The Rescue

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2 and a half months later

Dean P.O.V

After almost 3 months of dating, Charlottet and I became very distant from each other. We haven't really talked to each other the past few weeks. I'm starting to think mabye us being together isn't really working out. Charlottet and I need to break up. I went looking for her until I found her.

Dean: Hey Charlottet.
Charlottet: Hey Dean.
Dean: Can we talk?
Charlottet: Sure, why not?

We walk over to a more private hallway so no one hears or interrupts us.

Charlottet: What did you wanna talk about Dean?
Dean: About us.
Charlottet: About us?
Dean: Yeah. Charlottet, I don't think we are gonna work out. I mean we haven't really been hanging out or even talking to each other that much lately.
Charlottet: (with a sad look) Dean, are you saying that we should break up?
Dean: As much as I dont want to hurt you. I think breaking up is the right thing to do.
Charlottet: (Starts crying)
Dean: (Pulls Charlottet into a hug with her crying into his chest) It'll be okay, I'm sure you will find someone else.
Charlottet: (Looks up at Dean) Can I at least have one more kiss?
Dean: Sure thing (kisses her).
Charlottet: (kisses back)
Dean: (Breaks the kiss) Goodbye Charlottet.
Charlottet: Goodbye Dean. Always know, that I will always love you Dean Ambrose.
Dean: Okay, then I'll say it one last time. I love you Charlottet Flair.
Charlottet: I love you too Dean Ambrose.

2 days later after school Friday afternoon

Becky P.O.V

I was walking through the streets just minding my own business, and thinking about Dean. Man I wish he wasn't dating Charlottet. Yeah I know they are dating. All of a sudden, as I pass through an alleyway, I'm pushed onto a wall by a tall, pale, muscular figure in front of me. It was my ex Sheamus, and his goons Alexander Rusev, Wade Barrett, and Alberto Del Rio.

Becky: (worried) What do want Sheamus?
Sheamus: What do I want? More like what I'm gonna do.
Becky: Which is?
Sheamus: Take you right here right now.
Becky: NO, PLEASE LET ME GO (being held back by Rusev, Del Rio, and Barrett)!
Sheamus: Hold her tight fellas. I'm gonna enjoy this.

Before he could even try to unbutton my jeans. Out of nowhere someone wearing a hood punched Sheamus straight in the face, and I think his nose is now broken. Now all four of them are ganging up on this guy.

Mystery Guy: You guys wanna fight, then let's fight.
Rusev: Do you have any idea who you're messing with you stupid American?
Mystery Guy: No, I don't know, and I for damn sure don't care.
Barrett: We are the League of Nations, and you are about to (gets punched by Mystery Guy).
Mystery Guy: Didn't I just say I didn't care who you guys are, but since you told me who you guys are, I might as well tell you who I am. (Takes off the hood) I'm Dean Ambrose, and now I'm gonna kick all of your sorry asses.
Del Rio: I'd like to see you try PERRO!
Dean: Bring it on then.

They fought for about ten minutes straight, and Dean took them all down until they gave up, and ran away. Then I see something about to fall on me it looked like an air conditioner.

Dean: WATCH OUT (saves Becky)! Phew that was a close one.
Becky: (In her head) Dean? He protected me?
Dean: Are you alright Becky?
Becky: ...
Dean: Becky?
Becky: (Heartbeat starts increasing fast)
Dean: (Heartbeat starts increasing fast) (In his head) What is this, my heartbeat all of a sudden just sped up.
Becky: (Kisses Dean)
Dean: (Surprised)
Becky: Oh, I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me. (In her head) Stupid Stupid!
Dean: (In his head) She, just kissed me... does this mean that she...?
Becky: Um, Dean?
Dean: (Looks at her)
Becky: (Gulps)
Dean: (Pulls Becky into a hug, but they both look deep into each other's eyes) What was the meaning of that kiss that you gave me?
Becky: Oh, that kiss. It means I li... I care... I guess you can say it means I love Dean.
Dean: (Gives her a kiss then breaks the kiss) I love you too Becky.

After we shared our love moment, we both walked to my house hand in hand. As we walk in, I see my parents in the living room watching T.V.

Mr. Lynch: Hello Becky, who is this young man?
Becky: Mom, and Dad, this is Dean. He's... He's...
Dean: I'm her boyfriend.
Mrs. Lynch: Oh, well it's nice to meet you Dean.
Dean: Pleasure to meet you too Mr. and Mrs. Lynch.
Mr. Lynch: Alright Dean, this is how it goes. If you want to date my daughter, you have to answer one question.
Dean: Okay?
Mr. Lynch: What country was St. Patrick born in?
Becky: (In her head) Oh no, everyone thinks St. Patrick is from Ireland when he isn't, I guess I can say goodbye to calling Dean Ambrose my boyfriend.
Dean: St. Patrick's birth country was England.
Mr. Lynch: I'm sorry that is (pauses) wait did you just say England?
Dean: Yes, I did sir.
Mr. Lynch: You have my permission to date my daughter.
Dean: Thank you sir.
Becky: (Shocked) Well, now that's over, and done with, Dean, and I will be heading to my room.

Before I could head to my room I was stopped by my ma.

Becky: What is it ma?
Mrs. Lynch: (Whispers) Use protection when you two get to your room.
Becky: MA!
Mrs. Lynch: Sorry I couldn'thelp myself.

After that was over and done with we entered my room, and I shut the door behind us so we don't have any interruptions.

Dean: So what do you wanna do?
Becky: We can watch some movies to pass the time.
Dean: Sounds good to me.

After hours of watching movies, I noticed it had gotten dark outside. Boy we must have been watching over 10 hours of films. Then Dean had to leave.

Dean: Well, I think I'd better get going.
Becky: Wait.
Dean: What?
Becky: How about you sleep here tonight.
Dean: Why?
Becky: Well, my parents are gonna be gone all weekend, and I don't wanna be alone.
Dean: Well....... alright.
Becky: Yay!
Dean: Just give me a second, gotta text my mom (texts his mom). Done.
Becky: Awesome!

1hr and 30min and 12sec and 78miliseconds later.

Mr. Lynch: Becky we're leaving.
Mrs. Lynch: Make sure to keep the house in good shape while your father and I are gone.
Becky: Okay, I will.
Mr. and Mrs. Lynch: We love you Becky.
Becky: I Love you guys too.

Then they finally leave and I'm in my house alone with Dean.

Becky: So how are things with you and Charlottet?
Dean: Oh, .... we broke up.
Becky: Oh, I'm sorry.
Dean: But didn't I say I was boyfriend earlier today.
Becky: Oh, yeah you did say that.
Dean: Wow I can't believe you thought Charlottet and I were still dating even after I said that. Well we should get to sleep now.

We switched into our PJ's. I'm in my bed and Dean said he would sleep on the floor.

Dean: Good night Babe.
Becky: Actually Dean can you sleep with me.
Dean: Why?
Becky: My dog Shadow usually sleeps with me, but he's at my grandparents house right now since my ma and pa think he would be better taken care of there while they're gone.
Dean: Okay (gets in Becky's bed).
Becky: Thank you.
Dean: You're welcome (kisses her forehead).
Becky: (Looks into Dean's eyes) What was that for?
Dean: I can't give my girlfriend a kiss?
Becky: You can. I would just prefer kiss me on my lips.
Dean: Sounds good to me.

He Kisses me again, but he didn't stop. Soon our kiss turned into a make-out session. Then he starts kissing my neck and along my jaw line. Then he removed my shirt seeing my breast which I tried to hide from him. He then unclipped my bra.

Dean: Don't try and hide them, and don't worry I love you for you, not your boobs.

When he said that I smiled, and let go of my bra and let it fall to the floor. Afterwards we took of the rest of each other's clothes. Dean had me on top of him, but I wasn't looking at his face, I was looking at his dick. All of a sudden he starts licking my pussy, and it felt so good I returned the favor by sucking his dick until eventually he came in my mouth, and I came on his face, and a little bit in his mouth. Then the finale.

Dean: You ready?
Becky: Yeah, I'm ready.

He thrusted inside of me for a good 12 min until we came. Don't worry he is wearing a condom.

Becky: (Moans) Dean I'm gonna cum.
Dean: Me to Becky.

Then we both came.

Dean: Well that was fun.
Becky: It sure was.

I'm glad my first time was with Dean. Even though I'm not his first because I know Paige is his first.

Dean: I love you Becky Lynch.
Becky: I love you to Dean Ambrose.

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