The Girlfriend and the Bodyguard {Ally}

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A/N: This one is an AU.
   Hey there! I'm (Y/N) (Y/L/N), and I thought today was just going to be another normal day, until I met her. Here's what happened......

   Woof! Woof! Woof! Woof! "Ugh. Noooooooo! Scout! Riley! Be quiet! Please! It's Saturday! Stop!" I shout. Jeez. I love these puppies to death, but they are so hyper. My best friend, Dinah, got them for me for my 22nd birthday. They are literally the cutest things ever.

Scout and Riley

  As I said before, it's Saturday, so I naturally have nothing to do

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  As I said before, it's Saturday, so I naturally have nothing to do. I know. I have no social life. Well, now that I'm up. Time to start the morning routine. I head to my shower, strip down, and get in. The warm water wakes me up a little, but I'm still tired. Once I'm done, I get out and dry myself off. Next is hair and teeth. Today I decided to wear my hair natural, so that was easy to do. Second, brushing my teeth. Also easy. Okay, third and most important step, food. I grab Riley and Scout's water bowls and fill them. Then I do the same with the food bowls. "Okay, now you can stop barking." Riley and Scout pranced over to their food bowls, and happily started eating. While I was cleaning the kitchen last night, I found some baking supplies. There's a new girl moving into the house next to me, and she looks pretty from where I could see her from. Which is my window. Not stalkerish (A/N:If that's even a word) at all. Anyway.... I though why not bake her something as a 'Welcome to the neighborhood' gift. Yeah, I'll do that, but first, food. Do I have anything in this house, besides cereal and grape juice? I really need to go grocery shopping. Woof! I slowly turn my head towards Riley. Then down at her bowl. Then at her again. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to try some, right? Turning to my right, I see the container of dog food on the floor. Once I grab a piece, I inspect it carefully, then put it in my mouth. Bad idea. On my way to the bathroom to spit out the dog food, I manage to trip over a dog toy and fall flat on my face. Let me just lay here for a second, and think about how stupid I am. Just then, my phone rings. Uggghhhhh. I pull myself off of the floor, and run back to the kitchen to grab my phone. Dmac👑. Of course. "Hello?" I speak into the phone. "Sup, loser." Nothing much, just eating dog food and breaking my nose. "Nothin," I reply. "I'm coming over. Be ready. Bye!" With that, she hung up. Great now I have to make myself look presentable. Let me spit this food out first. If you can even call it that.
   After cleaning myself and the house up, I hear my front door opening. "I'm here, loser!" Dinah shouts. Oh no. "Dinah! Watch out for the pup-" That's when I hear it. The scampering of paws running out the front door. "Oh shit," Dinah mumbles. I huff, and run outside, after the puppies. Dinah following right behind me. "Scout! Riley! Here puppies!" I yell after them. They stop, and I slow down so I don't scare them away. "Puppy whisperer," Dinah says. I look back at her, still walking and say, "shut up, bi-" I wasn't able to finish, before I collide with someone, and fall to the ground. "Ow. Sorry. My bad. I should've been watching where I was going," I apologize. "It's ok, I wasn't looking where I was going either." I look up to a beautiful face, and take the hand that she offered me. It was the girl who was moving in next door. And let me tell you. She. Is. Gorgeous. "I'm Ally," Ally smiles. "(Y/N)," I reply  smiling as well. "And I'm Dinah!" Dinah jumps in next to me. Ally and I look at Dinah, and she just asks, "what?" I sigh and facepalm, while shaking my head. "Fine. I'll just leave then. I'm taking them with me, too!" Dinah informs, picking up Scout and Riley and walking towards the house to get the dogs' leashes. "I'll be walking the dogs, and having fun. Without you." I mentally face palm, before turning back to Ally. "Sorry about her, she likes to annoy me," I roll my eyes. Ally laughs and responds with, "it's fine." "Well it was nice talking to you, (Y/N)," Ally says. "Same to you," I reply with a smile. I turn to walk away, and soon I hear the hum of a car coming down the street. I thought nothing of it until I heard the familiar raspy voice. "What up, loser. How life? Oh that's right, you don't have one," Normani and Camila, Lauren's minions laugh along with her. "Shut up, Lauren," I grain through gritted teeth. "What did you say, bitch?" Lauren snaps. The car pulled up to the curb, and Lauren got out. "I said... shut up," I snap back, fond of the new confidence. Before I could blink, a sharp pain spread through my left cheeck, and my head snapped to the right. "Don't you dare touch her!" I hear Ally shout. "Ally don't," I warn. "Oh is this your little girlfriend?" Lauren mocks, walking towards Ally. Ally stays where she is, not backing down. Camila and Normani get out of the car also. "Lauren..." Camila reluctantly said. "Hush, Camila," Lauren answers. "What makes you think you can even talk to me?" Lauren questions Ally. "You shouldn't do that. It's not right," Ally contradicts Lauren's actions, "only bullies do that. Are you a bully Lauren? Bullies don't bully for no reason." Lauren had had enough. She pounced, knocking Ally over. "Nooo! Stop! Please!" I yell, running towards Lauren and Ally. I pull Lauren off of Ally, and stand in front of Ally, shielding her from Lauren. "You can hit me and hurt me all you want, but you will not touch her," I growl. "Who says so?" Lauren asks. "Me." Then I pounce. I threw punch after punch, until I feel two pairs of arms pull me back. Ally and Dinah. "Woah, chancho. Are you ok?" "Yeah. I'm fine cheechee." Dinah smiled at our names for each other. "You little-" "you will not touch her. You'll have to go through me first," Dinah growled. Ally protectively pushed me behind her. Lauren backed off, noting that Dinah was bigger and stronger than her. "I'll get you when you don't have your girlfriend and body guard to protect you," Lauren hissed. "Let's go!" Lauren motioned for Camila and Normani to get in the car. They drive off, and Ally and Dinah turned to me. "Oh my gosh, (Y/N). Are you okay?" Ally worriedly questioned. "Yeah I'm fine." "(Y/N), your nose is bleeding," you need to get fixed up," Dinah informs. "No. I'm fine. Where are my puppies?" "Typical selfless (Y/N). Worried about the puppies. They're in the house. I put them inside, and then heard yelling over here," Dinah replies. "Okay. (Y/N), we really need to get you fixed up," Ally pleads. "Okay. Okay." "I'll leave you two to it," Dinah says smirking. She walks back to my house, but not before saying, "bye, lovebirds!" Ally and I blush at the name. Ally pulls me towards her house to get me cleaned up. This'll be interesting.

A/N: QUADRUPLE UPDATE!!!👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 basicbilinski I'm on fire!!!🔥🔥🔥

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