My Mate {Ally}

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A/N: Hallo!😊💕 This awesome idea was requested by @Twag53!

~Ally's Pov~ (Starts in Wolf Form)
   I was in the woods, enjoying a nice walk, when I heard a whimpering sound. I followed the sound, and it led me to a girl laying on the ground holding her ankle.

I felt something weird, but I didn't pay attention to it. It felt like my stomach was doing cartwheels. It was weird, I've never felt that way before. Oh well, I'll figure it out later.

She glanced up at me, but didn't seem scared. I dropped down to my knees, do I was eye level with her. "Oh my gosh, are you okay?" I went to reach for her ankle, but she flinched. I backed up, "Oh I'm so sorry, I just wanted to se-" "It's okay," she smiled.

"Where do you want me to go?" She looked confused. "I need to get you help," I pointed. "Oohh yeah," she giggled. It was the cutest sound ever. Hm. I've never said that before. "Can you call my friend? Her name is Dinah. Her number is 420-679-1432. Thank you so much."

"No problem, ..." "Y/N." "Y/N, pretty name. My name is Ally," I smiled. I went to reach for my phone. It wasn't there. Oh yeah. "Um, Y/N, we have a problem." "You don't have your phone because you left it at home, so it wouldn't get lost," she said. "How did you know?" I asked. "I did the same thing," she laughed.

"Ok, well we're going to have to do this a different way," I declared. I walked over to Y/N, and slid one arm under her knees and one on her back, making sure I was careful of her ankle. She wrapped her arms around my neck. As soon as we touched, I felt a jolt of electricity shoot through me. That was even weirder than before.


Once we had finally reached her apartment, I froze. "Wait. Do you have the key?" I asked, hoping she had the key. "Just knock," she said. I was confused, but knocked anyway. "You better be my pizza!" I heard a female voice on the other side.

   "Dinah, shut up, and get the door!" Y/N shouted. I laughed at their antics. "Oh, its you. I'll just go back to the living room then."

"It's an emergency!" Y/N yells. I can hear Dinah run to the door. It flies open, and Dinah scans over us. "Oh my God! Come in! What happened?? And who is your hot friend?" Dinah said looking at me. I laughed, but Y/N glared at her friend.

  "I found her in the woods. Neither of us had our phones on us. I'm Ally," I informed as I placed Y/N on the couch. "Nice to meet you, Ally," Dinah said with a smile. "Same to you, Dinah."

   The blonde sat down in front of Y/N, and I sat across from them. "Okay, say ouch if it hurts." Dinah gently picked up Y/N's ankle. "Ouch." "Sorry." "Ouch." "Sorry." "Oouucchhhh!" "Yup! It's broken!" Dinah said.

   "We should take her to the hospital anyway, to make sure everything is fine." The taller girl suggested. "Alright," I replied. Dinah picked Y/N up bridal style. I was too short to help her walk, and Dinah was too tall, so we had to resort to carrying her.


   We had been at the hospital for about two hours, and we were almost ready to leave. Y/N had to wear a boot for six weeks, and I'm going to stay at her apartment to help when Dinah is at work.

"I'm starrrrvinnggg, and I refuse to eat this hospital food. Can we leave now?" Dinah whined. She has been whining about everything possible for the last hour.

"Dinah, my ankle is broken. They still have to give me the boot and crutches," Y/N pointed out, obviously annoyed. "How are you feeling?" I asked her with a smile. "Eh. I've been better," She giggled. I smiled even wider at the sound of her giggle.

Dinah rolled her eyes, "Can you two just date already? Your cuteness is making me sick." We both blushed at Dinah's words. "Dinah, you know that they have McDonald's here, right?" I said. "THEY DO?! BAH, FELICIAS!" The blonde shot up, and ran out of the room. "That's Dinah alright," Y/N laughed.

I scooted my chair next to her bed. "Let's get to know each other," I suggested. "Okay!" Oh my gosh! She's so cute! I just want to take care of her and prote- What? I didn't say that, did I? "Ally!" I snapped out of my daze when Y/N said my name. She laughed again. "Are you ok? I lost you for a second there." I blushed. "Yeah, I'm ok."

"So, how old are you?" She asked. "24." "Aww mann," she pouted. "What?" I laughed. "Everyone I meet is older than meeee." "Well, how old are you?" "20. Dinah's older than me by two months," she rolled her eyes. "Awwwww. You're a smol beeeaann," I cooed.

   "NO I AM NOT!" She fell back onto the bed. "Okkkay sure." "You're a wolf, aren't you?" She asked bluntly. I widened my eyes. "Uhhh. Y-yeah. How did you know?" "I am too. White wolf," she smiled, "oh yeah. You're my mate." My jaw dropped.

   How is she so chill about this? "That explains th-" "Tingly feeling and electricity whenever we touch." How did I not notice? I looked at the wall in shock. "Are you ok?" Y/N asked. "I'm just trying to process this. I mean, you are amazing and so beautiful, but I never thought that I would actually get o be with you," I smiled widely. Her face softened, "Awww, Ally, thank you." "No problem."

   I could feel her looking at the side of my face. "Ally?" "Yes?" "I think I love you." As soon as those words left her mouth, I connected our lips together in a passionate kiss, "I think I love you too, snow." "Snow?" "You're a white wolf. You're graceful and bright like the snow." She blushed deeply. I really have to go on walks more often.

A/N: I'm sorry. This is bad.

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