New Year's Kiss {Normani}

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Today is New Year's Eve, and I was invited to my best friend, Normani's, party. I've known Normani since kindergarten, and I've managed to develop a small crush on her. Ring ring. Normani. I answered the phone, and put it to my ear. "Hello," I smiled into the phone. "Hey, Y/N/N," Normani greeted. My heart fluttered at the sound of her voice. Maybe it's not such a 'small' crush. "Hey, Mani," I reply. "Can you come over early? I need help figuring out what I'm gonna wear," Mani questions. "Of course," I scoff, "you didn't even have to ask." "I knew I could count on you," Normani sighs in relief.

I pull up to Normani's house, and walk up her driveway. My parents didn't come, because they were working. I lightly knocked, and a few seconds later, Mani opened the door with a smile. "Hey!" she moved aside so I could get in, and then hugged me. I hugged back, and said, "ok, let's find out what you are gonna wear." I skip to her room, and she follows behind me giggling. "You're a dork," she scoffs. "I know," I reply.

  After Mani and I figured out what she was going to wear, we decided to watch some tv, to pass the time. We ended up watching some of Tangled. (A/N: Somewhat of a spoiler ahead😂) I giggled when Rapunzel changed her mind about leaving the tower every second. That was my favorite part. I looked over to Normani to see that she was already looking at me. We both blushed, and looked away. That was weird. I know why I blushed, but why did she blush? Maybe- Nah. I brush off the thought, as I glance at the clock. 7:30. 30 minutes until everyone gets here. I relax, because I am dressed and ready, but then my eyes shoot open. Normani has to get ready in 30 minutes! Shit! I jump up, and pull Mani with me. "What are you doing?" she asks.  "You have thirty minutes to get ready!" I hurriedly inform. "Oh my gosh!" For the rest of the thirty minutes, Mani and I are scrambling to get her ready.

We had finally gotten her hair, makeup, and outfit on. The first guest were Ally's family, then Dinah's, Lauren's, Camila's, and eventually everyone's family was here. By 10:00, Normani's house was filled with a bunch of people laughing, or drinking, and ignoring their children whatsoever.

"Ok, we have two hours to do something productive," Dinah suggests. While the parents were talking or doing whatever, we were downstairs lounging around, watching Netflix, and being lazy. Ally was cuddled up to Lauren, and Lauren had her arm around Ally. Camila was laying on top of Dinah. I was cuddled into Mani, and she had her arms around me. "Dinah's right. We should do something to celebrate the coming new year," Ally says. "But that includes getting uuuppp," Lauren whines. "Come on, pweeeeeaaassseee," Camz and I beg. "Fine, but only because you're annoying," Lauren caves. "YAY!" Camz and I shout in unison. "What are we gonna do, though?" Normani asks. I think for a minute. "Let's have a piggyback ride race!" I suggest. "Where are we gonna do that?" Dinah questions. "The back yard. Duh," I say. "Don't get smart, child," Dinah playfully points her finger at me. I stick out my tongue, and she rolls her eyes. The girls giggle at out interaction, except for Normani. She looks...jealous? Nah.

The girls and I were in the backyard, and had teamed up for the piggyback race. I was with Mani, obviously, Camila was with Dinah, and Lauren was with Ally. "Ok, everyone. We are running to that tree and back. Everyone on your marks, get set....GO!" I yell. We take off running, and Camila and Dinah were in the lead, but Mani and I slowly but surely gained up on them. Lauren and Ally were laughing too hard, that they fell to the ground. "Come on, cheechee, we can win this!" Camila shouts. "No! Come on, Mani! We have to beat them!" I say in reply to Camila's words. Mani touches the tree just before Dinah does, and darts back to where we started. "Yay! We won!" I exclaim. Mani and I collapse onto the ground in a fit of giggles. "No! We almost won!" Camila pouts. Ally and Lauren had just made it to the end. I look over to Mani, and again, she was already looking at me. This time, I didn't look away. We stared at each other, and any noise the girls were making disappeared. "Hey, lovebirds, the ball drops in ten minutes," Dinah informs. The girls were all looking at us and smirking. "What?" Mani and I ask I'm unison, getting off of the ground. We quickly looked at each other and blushed again. I walked to the door, and Lauren nudged me, still smirking. I just rolled my eyes.

Everyone was inside, and the ball was going to drop in two minutes. I was holding Mani and Mila's hands, and we were more excited than you would believe. 59 seconds. 30. 20. 10. 5...4...3...2...1. "HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Everyone screamed. Mila let go of my hand to run over to Dinah, and I turned to Mani. She grabbed my face, and passionately put her lips to mine. I was surprised at first, but then kissed back. Everyone cheered once they saw us, causing us both to blush profusely. 2017, here we come.

A/N: I'm sorry. I know this was a day late. I suck.😭😭😭Hope you liked it though.😁

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