Confusing Enlightenment

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Dedicated to cma5295

I love all her stories. Go read them. NOW!!!!!!


~~~Tyler's POV~~~

I jerked awake and gasped in the pain that flashed through my body. After a moment, the feeling passed, and, breathing hard, I let my head drop back onto the pillow.


What pillow?

I sat straight up and looked around me, my body tense and on high alert. I found myself lying on a soft bed in an unfamiliar room. Other than the bed, there was a small dresser, a closet, and a chair. The walls were painted a light blue, and I was surprised to see sunlight flooding the room through a large window. It had been a while since I had seen that much sunlight.

Beyond confused and a little frightened, I swung my feet over the side of the bed and pushed myself up so that I was standing. The pain in my back was more of soreness, and I looked down to find myself in the same ratty clothes I had been wearing in captivity. I walked unsteadily to the door and stuck my head out.

There was no one that I could see, so I quietly closed the door behind me and started to walk cautiously down the hallway. I could hear voices, and as I drew nearer to some stairs, they grew louder. I took a deep breath and stepped gingerly down the stairs. I walked into the first room I saw, and I found myself standing in a really big living room.

"Oh my God!" squealed a voice, and I turned around to see a couple of teenagers sitting on a couch. A girl who looked she was maybe thirteen jumped up. "Bo! She's awake!" A second later, a boy walked in, and when his eyes fell on me, his eyes widened.

"So she is," he said slowly.

"Where am I?" I asked in a hoarse voice.

The boy, Bo, I guess his name was, rubbed the back of his neck. "It would be better if our Alpha explained things to you." Bo must have sensed my hesitation, because he said, "Don't worry. We aren't going to hurt you. I promise."

Something about the words he said comforted me. "Alright," I said quietly. "Take me to your Alpha." I had no idea what an Alpha was, in all honesty. Bo held out his hand for me to take, but I shied away instead. There was something like disappointment in his light brown eyes, but he quickly masked it.

"This way," he said, and I followed him out of the room and down another hallway until we came to a dark door with the word "ALPHA" emblazed on the door in bold gold letters.

Bo knocked on it, and there was a pause before a voice called out, "Come on in!" Bo opened the door and motioned for me to walk in first. He came in after me, and I jumped as the door clicked shut.

"Ah, you're awake," a voice said, and I looked up to see a man sitting behind a desk. He looked to be in his mid-forties, and his smile was warm. "Please sit," he said, gesturing towards a chair across from him. Hesitantly, I sat down and watched Bo lean against the wall behind the man.

"How long have I been out?" I asked.

"Three days," he replied. "My name is Stark," he stated, and he looked at me expectantly.

"I'm Tyler," I said quietly. I noticed the corners of Bo's mouth curl up into a smile, and I thought I heard him murmur my name. But, I was probably just imagining it.

"Well, Tyler, I just need to ask you a few questions so that I can get you back to where you belong." Stark's words stung, though I knew he didn't mean for them to.

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