Proving Myself

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Excuse the mistakes. The downside to making this chapter longer than usual is that I'm too lazy to do good proof-reading. It's limited to spell check and the green squiggly lines under the words.

Enjoy :)


~~~Tyler's POV~~~

I couldn't sleep. The twisting in my stomach called nerves was preventing it. Tomorrow was the day that I would be observed by Stark, and my fate in the pack would be decided. I was honestly terrified of not meeting up to his expectations and being kicked out.

Where would I go if that happened?

I would get hot and kick off my blankets, and then I would get cold and bundle myself up. I felt sick, and more than once, I had made my way to the bathroom with the feeling that I was going to throw up.

Now, I was sitting up in my bed and staring out the window at the moon. I was having one of those "cold" moments, so my comforter was wrapped tightly around my body and I was shivering slightly.

I glanced at the clock and groaned; it was well past two in the morning. I would start being observed at nine, and I was still completely awake. There had to be something I could do to make myself tired.

Maybe take a walk, my wolf suggested. Well, it wouldn't hurt.

I slipped out of bed and reluctantly left my blanket behind as I slipped out of my room. The halls were almost pitch black, and it took me a few seconds to let my eyes get used to the dark. After that, I let myself wander through the pack house.

The pack house was actually really big. The top two levels were all bedrooms, and the main level had the multiple living rooms, the expansive kitchen, and the long dining room. I ended up wandering down to the opposite side of the house, and I found myself heading towards an all too familiar bedroom.

I didn't knock, but instead slipped in as silently as I could, wincing every time the wood creaked beneath my feet. I pushed back the covers and lay down on the bed slowly and carefully. I pulled the covers back onto my shivering body and closed my eyes.

I hadn't slept in this bed since the night before I had sprained my now healed ankle. That didn't mean I hadn't had plenty of nightmares. It's just, after the kiss, I didn't think it was okay for me to come here for comfort anymore.

So, those nights when memories of my nights in captivity plagued me, I would just lay in my bed and count the minutes until morning came and the darkness of the night receded. Then, things didn't seem as scary.


My eyes snapped open to find him looking at me.

"It's been awhile." Bo's voice was slurred from sleep, but I could detect amusement in his voice.

"Yeah, I guess it has." Even though it was dark in his room, I felt like he could see the bright red flushing of my cheeks.

"Is everything okay? Did you have another nightmare?" I could make out the concern in his voice, and I got the urge to cry.

"Nope, I'm fine." That wasn't convincing at all; my voice was shaky and I could feel the tears building up.

"You're a terrible liar Ty," observed Bo. "Tell me the truth."

I started to insist I was okay, but I saw Bo raise an eyebrow, and I stopped. "I'm terrified," I whispered. It was the first time I had admitted it out loud since I started feeling this way two days ago, when I realized my time was almost up.

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