A Mistake

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Sorry about the mistakes...


~~~Tyler's POV~~~

"Do you want to hang out tonight?" asked Tess as we walked into the house. She'd started giving me rides to school since I was avoiding Bo, who used to drive me. "We could watch a movie or something. Paranormal Activity is on Netflix."

"Um, I'm not feeling well. I think I'm just going to go to bed after I finish my homework," I replied. I didn't want to hurt her feelings, but I had plans for tonight, which involved me sneaking out of the pack house.

Tess nodded. "Yeah, you do seem a bit off today." We parted ways, her heading to the office down the hall that had a couple computers, and me to my bedroom. I dropped my backpack on my bed and shut the door.

I figured as soon as it turned dark enough, I would sneak out the back door and run to my old house in my wolf form, since I couldn't drive. It wouldn't take as long as driving, actually; probably just an hour to an hour and a half. So, to kill time, I sat down on my bed and dug into my homework, which I had a lot of.

After finishing my last worksheet, which was a math page I'm sure I got completely wrong, I looked up at the alarm clock next to my bed. It told me that it was a little before five forty-five. The pack usually ate dinner around six thirty, so I knew if I wanted to leave, I had to go now.

I grabbed a small, empty drawstring backpack and started to walk out of my room. However, when I glanced at my desk, I hesitated. If something went wrong, I didn't want a repeat of what happened in the woods. I walked quickly over to the desk, grabbed a post-it note and a pen and wrote:

Going back home again. Running in wolf form. Going to get answers.

Then, I hurried out of the room. I stepped silently down the stairs and made my way out the back door, like last time. I ran over to the woods and kept running until I knew I was safely hidden. Then I stripped out of my clothes and put them in the drawstring bag. Then I shifted and took the bag up into my mouth.

I gathered my bearings, and focused. A minute later, I started running in the direction my instincts told me to. The hour of running passed in what seemed like five minutes, and pretty soon, I was back at my house. Before shifting back into my human form, I spit out the drawstring backpack and studied the house.

The living room was dimly lit, and I perked my ears up, listening for any movement. Instead, I heard three distinctly different heartbeats, and all were werewolves. Against my instincts, I shifted and pulled on the clothes from the drawstring.

I took a deep breath and then started walking out of the woods towards the back door of the house. I'd just reached the ripped screen door when it flew open, and my eyes widened. "Hey, Princess," said Jerod. "You actually came."

"Yep," I replied, trying hard not to sound as freaked out as I felt. "I did."

"By all means, come inside!" He moved to the side and motioned for me to enter the house, which I did hesitantly. I stepped into the living room and froze; there were two, big looking men sitting on the couch, staring at me with their mouths fixed in smirks. I felt an arm wrap its way around my shoulder, and I jumped and looked up to see Jerod.

He pointed to the men, who were similar looking in the fact that they had close cut brown hair and dark, small eyes. "That's Brian and Craig."

"They're rogues, too?" I asked dumbly. Jerod nodded and walked over to the couch to sit down. Since his arm was still wrapped around me uncomfortably, I was forced to follow. Brian and Craig stood up from the couch, and Jerod pushed me down roughly.

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