Smart Fourteen-Year-Olds

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It's super late, and I didn't bother proof-reading.

Pic on the side is Patrick ===>


~~~Tyler's POV~~~


"Dot, shut up!"

"Her eyes are moving!"

"You guys are so loud," I moaned, and I hesitantly opened my eyes to see a big mass of people standing in my room. Everyone, excluding Dot who was beaming at me, looked extremely concerned. For a moment, I was confused, but then everything with Jerod hit me like a ton of bricks; the mini game of cat and mouse we had played before he'd caught me. I sat straight up and winced.

"Careful!" ordered Anton. "You don't want to rip out your stitches."

"Stitches?" I echoed, confused.

"Yep, on your back," he replied. "Any sudden movements could rip them out and reopen the wounds, so be careful."

"Shouldn't I be healed by now?" I asked.

"Well, since your wounds were caused by another werewolf, they'll take longer to heal than if they had been caused by a human. The slashes in you back were so deep that they needed stitches to help them heal," explained Anton.

"Oh." I lifted up my shirt and felt the stiff fabric of the large bandage wrapped around my abdomen. "Ouch." Everyone laughed, somewhat nervously, but Bo remained serious. He looked like he'd been hit by a bus or something, and I guessed that because I was his mate, my injuries had taken a terrible toll on him.

"Can I talk to Tyler alone?" asked Dot suddenly. Bo darkened, and growled-yes, growled-at his little sister.

"It's fine," I said hoarsely. Bo's face fell, but he filed out of the room behind the rest of the people who had been standing in my room. Seconds later, the door slammed shut, leaving me alone with Dot. She crossed the room and sat down next to me on the bed, her expression telling me she was all business.

"You almost died."

"I know that," I said slowly and cautiously.

"Like, you were really close to meeting the Grim Reaper."

"I get it, Dot!" I snapped, and immediately regretted it. "I'm sorry, but what's your point?"

"When are you going to give Bo a chance as your mate?" she asked, frowning. "I know he lied to you, but he had his reasons!"

"Dot, I don't really think this is any of your business," I stated, slightly shocked that she was getting really personal really fast.

"I know," she said, blushing, and she looked down at her hands. "It's just, I saw the way he was when they pulled up with you all bloodied, and then he went crazy on Fletcher's mom, who was treating you. No one knew if you'd survive, since you'd lost a lot of blood." Dot paused, and looked me in the eye.

"I don't remember what happened when my mom died, but I do know it crushed my dad, and I still see it every day. Bo's my big brother, and watching him think that you weren't going to make it was the most painful thing I've ever seen. Had you died, he would've been destroyed."

I sat there, stunned into silence. I'd never seen Bo's mom, nor heard her mentioned, but I guess I just didn't read too much into it. I'd had no idea she was dead. I quickly regained my composure and I ran my hand through my hair. "You said he had his reasons, yes?" Dot nodded. "What were they?"

"Well," she replied, "He wanted to tell you at first, but our dad made him swear not to. He thought that the idea of a mate, when you were just learning about packs and Alphas, would freak you out. Bo reluctantly agreed, because he didn't want to scare you away."

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