Wolf Moon

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Evelyn's P.O.V

I sat on my best friend, Scott's Bed as he continued to work out "so your mom won't mind me staying here tonight" I asked laying back, letting my hair fall over my face "of course she won't, she considers you family but won't Lydia kill you" He replied over his shoulder, I chuckled sitting up to look at him "yes, yes she will" before he could say anything there was a noise outside causing me to jump to my feet "what was that" I asked glancing around, Scott moved to stand in front of me "I don't know, stay here" he told me as he picked up the bat that was sat beside his bed. I rolled my eyes at his choice of weapon "no way, I'm not staying here" I mumbled following him down the stairs.

"Stay behind me" Scott opened the front door and stepped out on to the porch "maybe it was no-" I screamed cutting Scott off as Stiles appeared hanging from the roof in front of us "Stiles what the hell are you doing" I yelled moving forward to hit him "you weren't answering your phone and why do you have a bat" Stiles stated innocently as he pointed towards the bat Scott still had clutched to his chest "I thought you were a predator" He snapped dropping the bat.

Stiles jumped down from the roof and landed next to the railing "a predator really, anyway two joggers found a body in the woods" he shrugged excitedly, I stepped closer to the railing "a dead body" Scott asked with wide eyes, I chuckled shaking my head slightly "no a body full of water, yes dumbass a dead body. My dads send out a search party" Stiles replied as he rolled his eyes, I leaned against the rails with my arms crossed over my chest "what are the cops looking for if they already found the body" I asked as I scrunched my face up n confusion, Stiles turned to look at me " That's the best part they only found half and we are going to look for the other half" he stated, I shook my head "Stiles" he placed that stupid puppy dog look on his face "urg find I'm in"

I groaned once again, I nearly tripping over yet another branch "I wanted to get a good nights sleep before practice tomorrow" Scott complained grabbing my hand steadying me before I fell "yeah because sitting on the bench is such an exhausting job" Stiles said sarcastically, I glared at the back of his head as I squeezed Scott's head "no, I'm making first line this year" Scott protested, Stiles let out a small chuckled "yeah, its good to have dreams Scott even unrealistic ones" he replied, I smirked slightly as I stood on Stiles' foot making him yelp out in pain "don't be mean you still dream about Lydia, now that's extremely unrealistic" Scott burst out laughing while Stiles turned to look at me "how can someone be so gorgeous but yet so mean" I laughed and winked as I pushed past him.

We climbed up a hill before noticing the police lights ahead "hide" Stiles yelled running ahead, Scott grabbed me pulling me behind a tree. I peaked behind the tree to see Stiles on the floor with his dad shining a torch in his eyes "wait stop this little delinquent belongs to me, Stiles where you listening to my calls again" I heard Mr. Stilinski ask, I let out a small giggle "no...not the boring ones" Stiles replied smoothly, which Mr. Stilinski didn't find funny.

Stiles you're so dead.

"So where are your usual partners in crime?" his dad asked, clearly talking about Scott and me. I tensed against Scott "you mean Scott and Evelyn, no their both at home Evelyn's with Lydia and Scott's getting a good nights sleep for the first day back at school" Stiles lied as his dad pulled him to his feet and turned the flashlight towards the trees "Scott Evelyn, you out there?" I looked up at Scott who just shook his head "okay I'm going to walk you back to your jeep so you and I can have a little chat about privacy" and with that Mr. Stilinski dragged Stiles out of the woods.

I signed in relief as they disappeared through the trees "I'm going to kill Stiles if his dad hasn't already" I mumbled pulling myself up from the cold floor, Scott agreed grabbing my hand and dragging me forwards. "God I can't see a thing" I complained tripping over yet again "here" Scott pulled out his phone shining it around, we continued walking until I almost fell into Scott "Evelyn you okay?" Scott asked steadying me, I nodded picked a leaf out of my blonde hair "yeah, I guess" we turned around and that's when I saw it.

A torn body that lay face down on the ground, I shrieked stepping back knocking Scott and I down a hill. After a few tumbles we came to a stop at the bottom, I groaned and pulled my self up into sitting positon "did you see it?" I shivered the horrific sight imprinted on my brain "the body oh yea I saw it, dammit I lost my inhaler" Scott said pulling himself up on to his hands and knees "it's here somewhere" I mumbled raking my fingers through the grass.

Suddenly a pounding noise filled my ears "Scott what the hell is that noise?" I panicked jumping up to my feet without thinking "I think that noise belongs to that" Scott suddenly pulled my body down next to him as a huge black dear ran past us followed by several more "what the hell is going on?" I screamed but the noise of the dears drowned me out.

When they had all finally disappeared, we stood up panting heavily. My heat was pounding against my chest "Scott let's get out of here, please" I whispered terrified, Scott's eyes were strained on something over my shoulder, I turned to see a pair of blood-red eyes closing in on us. "We have to run" Scott grabbed my hand as he dragged me along behind him, suddenly it felt like my legs weren't working "Scott! it's right behind us" I screamed squeezing my eyes closed. We were pounced on knocking us both to the ground. I let out a blood-curdling scream when white-hot pain erupted in my shoulder, whatever it was, it bit into my flesh then it was gone.

I turned on to my back holding my shoulder "Scott are you okay?" I cried reaching out to him "I don't know, are you?" I felt Scott's hand on my waist helping me up "I think it bit me" I winced as I clutched my bloody shoulder, he was about to reply when a loud howl thundered through the woods "come on let's go".

We ran until we reached the edge of the woods still feeling as though something was chasing us, I ran out into the road when a pair of head lights blinded my eyes and a loud beep filled my ears, the car swerved around us and continued driving. I turned to Scott who was holding up his shirt revealing a bite mark which was dripping blood down his side "how's you shoulder?" I pulled my top aside to inspect my own bite "its bleeding pretty bad" Scott grabbed my hand and we began to walk down the road.

I took my top off as Scott placed a bandage over my shoulder, I winced pulling away slightly "sorry" he whispered as he taped the bandage in place, just like he did to his own wound "here put this on" he threw me one of his shirts, I smiled "thanks" I pulled it on avoiding my wound "have you called Stiles?" I asked getting under Scott's covers "yes and he is extremely intrigued" I stared at him in confusion "why?" he sat down next to me "because its Stiles".

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