Date Night- ScarletVision

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It was definitely not the best kept secret that Wanda liked Vision, all members of the team could see it. Except for the one person or in this case android that mattered. She felt a connection with him, like he was the only one who understood her.

Considering also that her powers came from the stone that is encrypted into his forehead. He wasn't afraid of her, and that is all she ever wanted...for people not to be afraid of her.

But when it came to actually asking him out on a date, her body trembled with fear. What if I mess it up? What if I ruin it? She thought as she paced her room, her hands fidgeting and mind going round in circles about all the bad things that could happen. I'm am Avenger, a member of the Earth's mightiest heroes and I can't even ask a guy out on a date. There was no use in walking around the room for the billionth time, so she found a solution.

Ask someone to help her ask him. Simple. The trouble was the team of superheroes didn't really have much expertise when it came to dating, all except Clint. She scrambled for her phone and dialled his number, after a few rings finally Clint answered.
"Hey Wanda" he said in a happy tone.
"Hey Clint, I have question?" There was no point in moping around the subject.
"Shoot, what is it?" He asked still in a calm tone.

"How do I ask Vision out on a date" she asked, weirdly enough Clint didn't answer. Wanda thought that the signal must have cut out or something because it was just silence. "Clint?" On Clint's end of the line the sound of a ceramic glass smashed onto the ground echoed through the phone. Obviously there was no connection problems.

"Wait...let me get this straight. You want to ask the highly boring, always wearing a sweater purple android...out on a date?" Clint sounded confused at the very least.

"Uh yes" Wanda said with a certain unsureness in her voice.

"Okay" he said with a sigh, "so how do you want to ask him out on a date?"

" I don't know" she replied.

"Well where are you planning on going for this date?" Clint asked.

"I don't know" so far this wasn't going well.

"Hang on, I will call you back" Clint said.

"Wait Clint, come back I need your help. Clint!" And with that the phone call ended, what the hell was Wanda going to do next.

While Wanda fretted about what to do, Clint was already beginning Operation Date Night.

"Vision it's me Clint" He said
"I am aware of that as your name was the caller ID" Vision said with no distinct of surprise in his voice.

"Okay, so Wanda really likes you and wants to ask you out on a date but is really nervous about actually ask you. So if you like her, go find her and ask her out. Okay?"

"Thank you Clint for your help on this matter, but I do not think it necessary as I doubt Wanda has developed romantic feelings towards me" the thought sounded illogical to him, even though he fancied her as he thought their compatibility was high, but he never thought she would feel the same way.

"Get it through your robotic brain, she likes you! She told me herself, have I ever lied?...actually don't answer that. Just ask the damn woman out already." Clint by the end was pleading with him, if Vision said he wouldn't ask, Clint would personally find him and melt him down into spare parts for Tony's gadgets.
"Thank you Clint, I will find her and seek her hand in agreement of a date" He said with a gratuitous tone.
"Good" Clint answered with a sigh of relief.

While the two gentlemen talked, the overwhelmed Wanda started pacing around her room again, waiting anxiously for the call from Clint. It felt like hours before he rang, and when he did she leaped to her phone.

"What the hell was that Clint?" She asked in distress.
"You can thank me later" a smirk appeared on his face before he ended the call. What the hell was that?

Before she could gather her thoughts on what just happened a knock on the door caught her attention.
"Who is it?" She asked.

"It is Vision" he answered.
Her eyes widened and she stumbled to get to the door and opened it.
"I thought it'd be more appropriate to knock instead of walking in" he said, he seemed different, a little nervous which made Wanda confused.
"I have received a call from Clint asking me to ask you on a date. So I am here to ask you for your permission to take you somewhere pleasant for the both of us."

Wanda was stunned, frozen in her place and unable to make a sentence let alone a vowel, as he he stood in front of her with hopeful eyes. Finally she was able to say something. "Yes". A smile came across her face.

So I hope you like it and OMG thank you for asking EmilyWoodson *sends hugs to you*
Romanogers will be next. Tell me if you like it, or have any ideas for future chapters.

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