The battle is over, but the war has begun- Clint Barton

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Eyes like ice daggers, his mouth curved into a malicious smirk greeted Clint in his dreams. His whole body contorted at the touch of frost, all he could see was the man, no he was no man, he was a monster. The monster children were told tales of, who would haunt a person's dreams if infected by his sceptre. Waking from such torturous dreams was a normality for Clint, his muscles tensed and his eyes searched the room for the god of mischief.

He knew that Loki was in Asgard, far away from him yet something churned and twisted inside of him at the thought of Loki escaping the cell in Asgard, finding him and brainwashing him again to finish the job of killing the Avengers while Loki raised hell on Earth with his malevolent soldiers ready to fire once again on the still recovering New York.

"I am Clint Barton, codename is Hawkeye. I am safe. I am in the Avengers tower. Loki cannot get to me" he repeated his mantra over and over again until the words stuck inside his brain, when he couldn't hear the snake like voice of Loki lurking inside his head.  Eventually Clint was able to focus on his voice; he got up from his bed and into his bathroom for a hot shower. The sensation of warm water hitting his skin eased his nerves, his mind at ease and the tension in his muscles released. It had been 2 months since the Battle of New York and the war against Loki was over.

But it hadn't been for Clint, he still felt like he was fighting the war against Loki in his mind. A god tampering with your brain was not an easy process to overcome and Clint was far from being fully okay. Yet he still insisted that he was when somebody asked, they weren't buying it at all. He didn't know if he was getting a bigger headache from Loki or from the team pestering him. At least they cared he thought.

He wanted so bad to escape the torture of the tyrant, to break away from the devils clutches. Clint knew he could get through this, he's survived his father's punches and his brothers betrayal and he damn well could survive the intoxication of Loki's power. It would take time, he didn't discount that but he had hope. Just repeat the mantra he thought every time he would wake up from seeing the wickedly cold eyes.

"I am Clint Barton, codename is Hawkeye. I am safe. I am in the Avengers tower. Loki cannot get to me...and I can get through this."

So what did you think? I literally was just mucking around with ideas and wrote this. Tell me what you think please.

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