Normality- Rhodey

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There isn't enough love for Rhodey so I am putting my two cents in. I love him so much.

Being a hero and Colonel of the U.S military can be strenuous at times but it has its perks. New tech upgrades in the War Machine suit, soaring through the sky and the best part of being a hero was of course beating up the bad guys. Sadly there were no bad guys to be beaten up or new tech to be tested; sitting in an office surrounded by ten senators and government officials definitely wasn't one of the perks of the job. Just government officers asking stupid questions about things that could be answered if they picked up the file that Rhodey so politely created.

"Answer again Colonel Rhodes why the Avengers are 'needed more than ever' that's what you said right?" said General Davies who kept eyeing Rhodey as if he was just a simple private instead of a Colonel. "Well sir the reason, as I have stated in the file, the Avengers are needed more than ever because the military cannot defeat alone whatever bad guy decides to take over the world. You need the Avengers, because without us you are defenceless." Frustration laced in his tone, Rhodey felt like he was repeating himself over and over like a time loop he thought.

"Do you think each member of the team is worthy of being called an Avenger?" asked Senator Cox

"Excuse me Sir?" they were accusing his friends of not being worthy, his friends.

"I asked you a question Colonel, do you think that the members of the Avengers are adequate for the job" the senator replied as if Rhodey was a child. Rhodey clenched and unclenched his fists; keep your cool Rhodes he reminded himself.

"To answer your question Senator, I believe all members of the Avengers Initiative were carefully chosen by Director Fury and Agent Romanoff specifically for the task of defending and protecting this country and furthermore this world from enemy attacks, so yes I do believe that the people on this team are qualified for the job otherwise they wouldn't be out there in the first place." His voice had risen to anger. Quickly he calmed himself great job James very well done indeed he thought to himself frustrated because of his outburst. A moment of silence ensued as the ten officials looked at each other and files.

"Thank you Colonel Rhodes for your time and we appreciate you giving us answers on the matter of the Avengers" Senator Cox said. Yeah right, I bet you do Rhodey thought as he stood and raised his arm for a salute; he turned to the door and walked hastily towards it.

No way did he want to be there any longer than had too, clenching his hands as he walked outside the building into the warm New York sun. At least that was over, Rhodey sighed as he looked up to sky wishing he could just lift off and fly around which usually helped clear his head after a hard day at work. That was the job, deal with ungrateful government members and kick some ass. After that stressful day, Rhodey thought he needed a holiday.

Considering he hadn't had one in a long time and thought he at least deserved one considering the amount of time he had to deal with Tony's sorry ass and be the only responsible adult on the team. Hell he may as well be called the parent of the team; yep Rhodey was definitely going on a much needed holiday. He hopped into his car and turned on the ignition, heading straight to the tower to pack.

Pepperony is to come, what did you think? Don't forget to vote, share and comment. :)


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