The End

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So this was how it was going to end, not in a blaze of glory or a victory march but by an arrow striking the chest. This is bullshit  was all he could think, no way was this how his lights were gonna go out. But there he was lying on the dirty and coarse cement inside a warehouse of all places bleeding out and no knight insight of saving him.

Maybe Natasha would burst through the doors with a medical team and damn well she would be wearing her murder face because of Clint's stupidity but she would still hold his hand because she was always worried but now he thought he would never feel the warmth of her skin on his. He just had to go behind the teams back and go all revenge on his brother when they specifically told him not to. Oh well they could nag him in the afterlife he thought as he still laid on the ground staring at the old rustic roof. His eyes started to blur as he tried to catch his breath that was just out of reach, his mouth tasted of metallic and his chest burned like a fire pit.

At least his brother didn't stay long around to see Clint's sorry ass on the ground. Anger infested his body, mainly at himself for thinking that his brother that has betrayed him more than helped him could become something better so he tracked him down with the help of Tony's tech and found him.

The team warned him about the consequences of what could happen if he went and saw him, but being Clint he just turned off his hearing aids and went on his merry way to Barney Barton. He was lead to the warehouse where only a tall figure stood arrow nocked on the bow aimed right at Clint. Clint drew his bow, but he couldn't fire, he had the strength in his arms but not in his heart.

Sharing the same family blood obviously didn't count to Barney as he without a flinch Barney fired and fled within seconds. His hands were shaking over his wound as he tried to put pressure on the wound that was oozing with blood, his breath becoming shorter and shorter with each inhale of air and the pain becoming more excruciating as each second passed.

All the anger, pain, fear and despair built up in his body and tears seeped out of his eyes as everything collided into him. The thought of death, not seeing his friends ever again, the thrill of going on missions and having bullets flying around his head and the simple things like never seeing the sunset or tasting Steve's famous pancakes crashed into him like a wave.

So this is how his life would end, not in the glorious manner he had always hoped but lying on the ground with an arrow sticking out of his chest alone. Alone once again, no one to be there to hold his hand or no one to hear his last words, only his thoughts to keep him company. The light seemed to fade around him as if someone had turned the brightness slowly down, Clint's arms fell limp and his body became weaker and weaker as he took his last unsteady breathe. The archer's blue eyes were drained of life as his eyes closed for the last time. The silence was deafening and the only thing that moved was the dust in the warehouse.

Soon came the thundering sound of an aircraft coming close to the warehouse landing just outside, the combined sound of rushing boots hit the ground fast heading straight for the warehouse. Bursting through the door stood Natasha, Steve and Sam. Their hearts dropped and gasps exited their mouths upon seeing the fallen hawk. Running to his side with tears Natasha sat next to him trying desperately to shake him awake, but the fight for his life was lost. Steve and Sam were right behind Natasha when she rushed over dropped their heads and sobs left both of them. There they were, hopeless and grief stricken by their friends death, nothing could cure the heartache that embedded inside Natasha as she left no tear unwept and her cries of agony was muffled by Clint's hand that she held, at least she got to hold his hand once more but Clint would never feel the touch ever again.

Clint Francis Barton, Hawkeye, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D and most importantly member of the Avengers family was dead.

So apparently I really like hurting/killing Clint because I swear when I write him always dead or hurt. I'm sorry, he really is one of my favourite characters and I hurt him like this. What did you think? Feedback is always welcome and so are ideas.

-BlackWidow1984 :)

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