Restaurant- Maria Hill x Sam Wilson

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Is the ship name Samhill? or Agent Falcon? I have no clue but the thought hadn't even crossed my mind and now I love it. Ramble over, one shot has begun.

Intricate designs were imprinted into the wall; the marble floor was smooth beneath Maria's heels and Sam black shoes. The large dome like building was filled with Ancient Greek artwork and statues, Sam couldn't contain his amazement at the magnificence of the restaurant; it belonged in a palace he thought. Greek gods and goddesses carved into marble statues filled the large glorious room that was also occupied with tables and chairs.

"I wouldn't even be able to afford a drink even if I saved up for a year" Sam said in an astonished tone, Maria smiled at him and let out a small chuckle at Sam's expression; mouth open and eyes almost popping out of his head. "Well aren't you lucky to have an Agent of Shield as your girlfriend who is able to get a reservation for such a sophisticated restaurant" Maria said as they were lead to a table next to a statue of Aphrodite.

Sam being the gentlemen that he was pulled the chair out for Maria and gladly took her place. "Sophisticated is an understatement" Sam said as he still took in the view. "Well what better place to be than a Greek restaurant in Greece." Maria said as she looked at the menu that was filled with so many different cuisines. "So how did you find this place" Sam asked inquisitively.

"Well an agent never reveals her secrets" she replied playfully with a smirk, Sam leaned back against the chair. "Is that so, what if there was a way of the secrets to be revealed" Sam said equally playful. Maria smiled back at him. They both were given a week off from work so they took the opportunity to get away from the mess in Washington.

One plane flight later they were in Greece enjoying the serenity and essence of freedom, hitting all the famous locations. Maria being the excellent researcher she was found the most beautiful and expensive restaurant in Greece, they both deserved a respite and a treat for a good service in the whole Hydra in Shield problem. After ordering a bottle of exquisite champagne, Maria and Sam talked about all the places they visited that day. It was so pleasurable to be talking about something other than work, just to talk to each other.

T'was a feeling that was new for both Sam and Maria but they welcomed it with open arms and took refuge in their love. But not even a night out in an exquisite Greek restaurant could continue when the call came for a job. Maria received a call from the place and people they had tried to get away from. One of the many perks of being a shield agent. They hadn't even ordered their meal; both of them looked at each other and sighed simultaneously. Maria and Sam disappointedly left the fine place and were soon on their way to Austria for a mission. I will be back, Sam thought longingly as Maria dragged him out of the restaurant.

So what did you guys think, feedback and votes would be great. Share it with your friends/followers if you'd like. Taking requests as it fuels my imagination, and any situations you want the character/ship to be in send them in too. :)


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