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Maria POV
I woke early to hear the birds tweeting so got dressed (skinny jeans, white shirt and blue and green flannel and my ever present black converse) and made my way to the garden to watch the sun rise. It was eerily beautiful. I did it often. It was so peaceful and I always had time to think. Today I had a deep thought around the origins of life and mused on life's purposes before I shook myself back to reality. Wow that was deep. Normally I'm fawning over the new hit music star or tv character. I guess we all needed deep thoughts sometimes.
'Maria?' My thoughts were interrupted by May-li walking outside, 'What are you doing? Aren't you freezing? Come indoors for breakfast.'
I sighed and followed her in, realising as I walked that it dropped below zero last night and my shoes were crunching over frost. The cold had never bothered me. In fact I loved it, coming from south east England to Newcastle when I was seven, had been a welcome change as I actually experienced snow for the first time.
I walked into the warm room where everyone was seated. I slid in between Johnny and Tyler who both greeted me cheerily.
"Ok guys remember," said Mike, "We have a new boy arriving today so make him feel welcome"
Most people didn't react. They had other things on their mind; specifically who nicked all the wallets from yesterday and why. Others had hit it off with their potential foster parent and were eagerly discussing them with each other but I simply sighed because Mike was probably going to make me welcome him . There had been so many new arrivals after me, I'd lost count. I always had to help out with new kids cause I knew the DG so well and I didn't mind but I was just too preoccupied to deal with more people. Admittedly, Tyler and Jody who'd I'd both shown around were now my firm friends but Floss had proved to be a massive mistake. She hated me from the second she laid eyes on me and I'm still unclear as to why. Bailey had been alright, once he calmed down, however was trying to hit on me too much so I passed him over to Jody who can handle pretty much anyone except Carmen.
I brushed the crumbs off my hand and followed Mike to his office where he was on the phone.
"Maria! Excellent!" said May-li appearing from behind, "You can show Ryan around, he'll be here in a second."
"Great," I said sighing, plonking into a chair next to Mike. Ryan. A generic name i'd heard before. Same name as an old classmate of mine. I wondered what he'd be like. But I was interrupted when we suddenly heard screaming upstairs so May li ran off, me not far behind. I wanted to see this.

The screaming turned out to be Carmen who'd found Floss in her nail stuff again, which didn't interest me so I shambled back downstairs and collided straight with someone on the way up. They came up so forceful it took me by surprise so I fell straight onto my bum next to a pair of identical black converses.
"Sorry." said a voice I'm sure I've never heard before. I craned my neck up and looked straight into a pair of deep brown eyes. He held a hand out and helped me up. He was around a foot taller than me, with short brown hair and amazing brown eyes. He was unsmiling but didn't seem like a bad guy.
"Thanks." I said my voice barely a whisper, and I felt my cheeks reddening. Damn, why was I blushing? He smirked and walked off while I continued downstairs in a daze before turning on my heel.
"Hey wait I'm meant to show you round!'
But he'd gone.

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