A Year Older

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A/N: I haven't given Maria a specific age because I'm not sure exactly what would suit her but I'd say between 14-15 but use your imaginations and preferences!! XXX

Maria POV

I sat in my room sketching a new profile of Tee to replace the one that had been ripped up. I sketched carefully capturing every detail I could think of. It was October 30th. The day before my birthday. I was never a very excitable person, I mean, I'm cheerful and witty and smiley but I never get very exited about things. However, my birthdays are different. It's the one day a year when people have to be nice to you, no matter what, and the only day I sometimes ever get any contact with family. I once got a card from Damien and a present from Danielle's carer and last year an old auntie rang me and we had a good two hour chat. I was wondering, this year, who may call me? Will I get any cards? And what will I do? I hadn't really mentioned it but everyone knew it was coming up as they'd asked me a while ago, what I wanted but I never know what to say so I was planning in my head, if no one has an idea I'll take everyone to the cinema to see the new Suicide Squad (the whole DG were massive DC fans but I'd always been Marvel before coming here. I'm not really a massive comic book fan anyway. But Suicide Squad does look good). I lay back on my bed, wondering, what would tomorrow bring?

I woke up around eight which was early for me but late considering it was my birthday. I smiled to myself and opened the curtains. The day was bright blue however I felt the cool chill of the Halloween breeze and the crisp autumn leaves were falling. I smiled even wider. Perfect. Years ago, at a small house in Thanet, I Maria Anastasia Mc'Lowsky was born. A perfectly healthy baby unfortunately in the wrong family. By the time I was five, I had two dead parents, two reckless older brothers and a baby sister to look after. By the time I was seven, I'd lived on the streets, got mixed up in the drug world and experienced real hunger. I was in my first care home-Burneywood. That place made me grow up quickly. No longer a little girl anymore. By the time I was nine I'd been in five foster homes and was now in Elmtree house and then to Ashdene Ridge. By the time I was twelve, I'd had my heart broken by a childhood lover and was convinced I could never love again. And now, so far, I'd come out well.

I ran downstairs anticipated and collided with Floss.
"Sorry!" I said brightly, even to her I felt nice. I had a good feeling about today.
She glared at me, "Have you seen my Jeff?"
"Um no, sorry." I said and she stomped past me. I raised my eyebrows and walked into the kitchen.
"Maria! Thank goodness!" said May-Li, "I was about to wake you. Toast?"
"Um ok," I said taking one from the pile and leaning on the counter. Everyone was rushing around pouring juice and eating toast in an apparent hurry.
"What the rush?" I asked as Harry darted past me, nearly tipping my coffee.
"Saturday morning swimming!" replied Finn grabbing his trunks off the radiator, "I've got to get my badge today."
"Come on Maria," said May-li, "Are you coming?"
"Um..no," I said surprised. My birthday had driven the usual Saturday morning swimming lessons and sessions out of my mind. I clutched my stomach, "Really heavy flow." I moaned.
"Aw ok," said May-li sympathetically patting me, "There might be some chocolate in the cupboard." She winked towards the cupboard full of sanitary pads and tampons.
I grinned, finally this birthday was looking up.
I ran towards the cupboard, ripped it open, only to find a few stray tampons.
"May-li, there's basically nothing here." I called.
"Hmm? Oh I'll get some stuff after." She replied distracted, stuffing Finn into his coat and ushering everyone into the minibus.
I stood with my arms folded watching with disbelief as everyone piled into the van.
"Will you be alright Maria?" shouted Mike, "I'll be back after I've dropped them off."
"Yeah I'll be sweet," I shouted back, "It's not like it's my birthday or anything." Though I muttered that last bit.
"What? Ok bye!" yelled Mike starting the engine, driving off leaving me on the curb shaking me head.
"Unbelievable," I said, "They forgot my birthday."

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