Caught In The Act

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Apologies for the late upload and inactivity but something called GCSEs took over my life and I've been recovering ever since-thanks for the support people ❤️

Maria POV

Ah shit. It wasn't like we were doing anything dodgy but it's still embarrassing that Mike had to walk in on us. Relationships within the home are usually monitored from a distance, for obvious reasons, and we'd all seen it hadn't worked between Carmen and Rick. Ryan and I weren't together but Mike had seen enough to take an intelligent guess.
I couldn't bring myself to look at him. I just looked down tracing the patterns on Ryan's duvet.
"I just wondered if you two wanted any dessert?" He said, "Come if you're interested."
I nodded, still looking down feeling my face flush even further.
"Oh and," he paused at the door, "Keep this door open."
I looked up to see him smiling and then he walked off leaving us to exchange an awkward smile before bursting into hysterical laughter.
"Oh shit," I laughed, "That was not good, reckon he'll 'monitor' us now?"
"I wouldn't worry too much," he said shrugging, "My last home was just teenagers and this sort of thing happened virtually on a daily basis."
"Yeah but there's not that many teens here," I pointed out, "It's not exactly like he's got his hands full with Jody and Tyler."
"Yeah well you never know," he smirked making me laugh.
"Shall we go down?" I asked but he shook his head,
"Unless you want to face Mike, I'm not." He said and I nodded in agreement.
"Me neither then," I said sitting firmly, "I feel he's gonna enforce the no boys in girls room and vice versa a little harder now.."
"I doubt much will happen," he said, "Probably."

He was wrong. Mike wanted to speak to me the next day and as there were no review meetings coming up, I had a snide suspicion I knew what it was about.
"What is it Mike?" I said sinking into the sofa cushion.
"I need a word Maria," he said, "You know girls aren't allowed in boys rooms."
I flushed, "I'm sorry Mike," I said quietly, "I was worried about him."
"I know," he said, "You have a big heart. And you're certainly have a good influence on him."
"Except he still got you suspended." I blurted out by accident and clapped my hand in front of my mouth. Shit.
"Ah so you know?" he said, "He admitted that?"
"Eventually," I said, "But I found the file in his wardrobe."
"I'm glad he fixed it," he said, "And he recognises what he's done wrong. But this is his absolute last chance or he's out so Maria, you can help make sure he doesn't mess it up. Cause despite everything, I'm actually quite fond of him."
"Me too," I laughed and he ruffled my hair,
"Go on then kid," he said, "Oh, and be careful."
I gave him a strange look as I closed the door, wondering what he meant by that but it became pretty clear when he said to my retreating back,
"Don't let him break your heart kid," he murmured and I felt my face flush a little as I turned round to face him but he was smiling, sending me a wink.
I rolled my eyes and closed the door firmly behind me and bumped into Chloe who was attempting to open the front door.
"Oh I can get that for you," I offered turning the handle.
"No I can do it myself," she said sharply and pulled the door firmly towards her, she caught my eye as I looked at her questioningly, "Sorry," she said, "I'm not feeling too great, I shouldn't take it out on you."
"S'ok," I said, "We all feel bad sometimes."
"Chloe? Where are you going?" asked Mike who'd popped his head round the door.
"Shopping," she sighed, "Is that allowed?"
"Sure," he said, "But you'll need to take someone with you."
She sighed exasperatingly and looked at me, I opened my mouth to offer but was interrupted by Ryan who'd been watching from the kitchen door.
"I'll take her," he said taking us all by surprise.
"You?" I couldn't help saying, "Sorry, since when were you into shopping?"
"Well I need a word with Chloe anyway," he said, "So I'll take her."
"Perfect," smiled Mike disappearing back into his office as Ryan shot me a grin before leaving while Chloe shot me a look of despair before following him.
My phone buzzed and I saw I had a text from her, "Plz come and help me, he doesn't know anything about shopping x"
"At least he's trying x" I texted back but decided to go and find them anyway-I needed a new top.
It didn't take me long to find them. Chloe was talking to a girl dressed entirely in pink while I saw Ryan on the other side looking for her.
"Ryan?" I called, "Why aren't you with Chloe?"
"I lost her," he said looking behind a rack.
"She just over there," I pointed to the other side of the shop, "Talking to some pink girl."
"Chloe?" he said walking over, "I've been looking for you."
"Never works taking your boyfriend shopping," the pink girl said to Chloe, "They just don't understand."
"Oh no actually he's my brother." she said awkwardly.
"Ah." she replied, "Well his girlfriend seems to have the right idea." she said pointing to my denim jacket that I was holding in my hand, "This is lovely."
"Actually that's my own," I said, "And it's not for sale, but Chloes welcome to borrow it."
"Look why don't you leave us to shop alone?" the pink girl offered, "It'll be much more fun for Chloe and give you two alone time; we'll meet you by the entrance in like two hours?"

"Two hours?" exclaimed Ryan, "How can they shop for that long?"
We'd left them on the third floor and were walking off towards the park because neither of us particularly wanted to shop.
"It's a girl thing," I explained, "I doubt you'd understand."
"Well if I lose her Mike will kill me," he said, "I was hoping to redeem myself after he caught us you know..."
"Don't worry about it," I cut him off, I didn't want to be reminded of it. I was still very embarrassed, "He appreciates the gesture."
"Do you reckon?" he said, "I hope so."
"Well I do," I said, "I can see how much you want to retain a relationship with Chloe."
"That's a good enough for me," he smiled, "But there's someone else I'd like to retain a good relationship with too."
"Ryan..." I smiled, "I thought we agreed a while ago we weren't calling it a relationship?"
"Things change don't they Maria?" he smirked, sliding his arm around my shoulder and pulling me in.
"Ryan...this is a public space," I attempted to struggle but gave up almost immediately when I looked into his dancing eyes.
"Oh they won't mind," he whispered in my ear so I allowed myself to huddle into his warm chest for comfort.
We sat there very happily and the two hours passed a lot quicker than initially expected.

I sat in my room sifting through piles of my books that I'd promised Mike I'd give away. I separated them and realised I'd left my Psychology textbook in Ryan's room so knocked on his door.
"Come in," came his familiar voice and I walked in to find him in a surprisingly good mood as he smiled at me from over his magazine.
"Hi Maria," he said, "Come back for more?"
"You wish," I said scathingly, "No I came for my textbook."
"All in good time," he smiled, "Can I get a hug first?"
"Of course," I said reaching my arms around his neck and kissing him gently.
"So where's my textbook?" I asked again, and he nodded behind me, "It's just on the desk." he replied.
"Great thanks," I said breaking away and picking it up, "Wait, you can be my test subject!"
"Love to be," he replied collapsing on the bed.
"Great," I said snapping the textbook open, "As we're here, we may as well do the love section."
"Sounds great." he replied leaning back and closing his eyes.
"So..." I said pulling out a blood pressure cuff, "Sorry I need to take your blood pressure, to see if things affect you physically."
"It's fine by me," he said extending him arm and I gently took the pressure, "Perfect," I concluded, "Right if I tell you I think you're really good looking how does it make you feel?"
He opened one eye, "I don't need you to tell me what I already know." he smirked.
I rolled my eyes and checked the pressure, it hadn't changed.
"Right, if I told you, you had a nice body?"
"Even better," he smirked, "I know you want it."
"Jeez Ryan," I muttered, but couldn't help myself laughing. The pressure still hadn't changed.
"What does it take to change your blood pressure!?" I exclaimed throwing my notepad down, "At least stop enjoying it so much!"
"Can't help it," he said sitting up, "It's fun watching you get annoyed."
"It's my blood pressure going up, not yours." I said angrily examining the machine. It still hasn't budged.
"Let's change that," he said cupping my chin and kissing me quickly but gently.
He knew once he had me,  I found it hard to resist so the blood pressure cuff lay forgotten next to me.

"Ryan I wondered if you wanted that-" we heard May-Li's voice suddenly break off out of nowhere as we looked round horrified at the embarrassment of being caught twice in two days.
"Office," she said sternly, "As soon as possible."
She left closing the door swiftly behind her and I looked at Ryan mortified.
"She is NOT happy," I said gathering my things, "We'd better go before it gets worse."
We were sent into separate offices. We knew then it was bad. May-Li started with a stern warning over the rules but then gradually loosened and clearly wasn't too cross.
Mike and Ryan went on forever and May Li decided to go and check on them so she could let me go, but came back looking flustered.
"May-Li?" I asked, "What's wrong?"
She gave me one of her sympathetic looks, "I think you'd better come with me."
I followed her as she led me to Mikes office where he gestured I sit next to Ryan who looked a little dishevelled on the sofa.
"What's going on?" I asked nervously looking around me. I recognised Ryan's social worker sat opposite Mike writing away in a notebook and typing away at a laptop. Things aren't that serious surely..?
"Maria," said Mike and my eyes snapped over to him, "Do you realise what's going on?"
I shook my head, "I'm really confused, I know it was a bit inappropriate but I don't understand the fuss,"
"For you the consequences are indeed not significant," he agreed, "I'm sure you've learnt and you've had a stern few warnings."
What did he mean for me? Why was it different for Ryan? Then a thought suddenly hit me.
"As you know Ryan is six months older than you," he said, "He's 16 and you are not-therefore your actions were not technically legal and his consequences are a little more serious."
"What do you mean..?" My heart was thumping in my chest, "You can't arrest him!"
"No," said Mike, "We won't do that-but he will need to be sent to another care home. Imminently."

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