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Maria POV

It was early on Saturday morning and I dressed particularly carefully in jeans, my favourite Queen t-shirt and a cosy cardigan before polishing over my violin remembering how spotless Jacob's had been.
I then hurried down the stairs and found only May-li up and laying the table. She looked surprised to see me, "Morning Maria," she said running her cloth under the tap, "You're up early,"
"I'm going to a friend's," I said helping myself to toast.
"Which one?" She asked wiping the surfaces.
"Jacob," I replied munching my toast, "He lives up by the town centre,"
"Ooh Jacob," she said raising her eyebrow, "What are you going to do?"
"He's just teaching me how to play my violin properly," I said pouring coffee, "He busks up by the Costa,"
"Oh Jacob Stevenson?" She said slicing more bread, "He taught Floss some guitar a few years back, he's a nice guy,"
"Cool," I said smiling, "I'd better go,"
I slid off my chair and went upstairs to get my stuff and brushed my teeth. Then I hurried down the stairs and into the kitchen to get my keys, seeing that more people had arrived.
"Bye Maria," said May-Li, "Have fun,"
"Thanks," I smiled and headed out of the door, passing Ryan who was leaning cooly against the door frame. He looked as if he was about to say something but I'd already passed him quickly.

Jacob's house was not too far from the DG so I crossed through the centre of town which wasn't too busy yet, however I was very surprised to see Carmen hurriedly wandering through the shops, her arms overspilling with bags.
"Carmen?" I called and she looked up, "What are you doing here?"
"My friend Emily's birthday today," she said, "I completely forgot."
"Oh well have fun," I said adjusting the violin on my shoulder and  walking on.
"Hang on, where are you going?" she asked noticing the violin and music bag, "Are you going to Jacob's?"
"Yes," I said and she grinned at me, "Enjoy, remember just play it cool, don't seem to eager,"
I rolled my eyes, "Carmen, I'm not interested in him like that, he's just helping me with my technique."
"Yeah yeah," she said walking off shaking her head.
I carried on towards his house which was tucked next to the main shopping centre and knocked gently on his door.
It opened a few seconds later and he appeared smiling, "Hi Maria," he said looking very cute in a dark green hoodie with a music note sewn into the corner.
"Hi," I said and followed him in, to his room which was pretty neat for a teenage boys and the wall was adorned with band posters of Rolling Stones, The Beatles, Queen, Coldplay, Wham, Tears for Fears, Talking Heads, The Police, U2, A-Ha and David Bowie.
"Wow," I said examining them all and more, "These are so cool!"
"Thanks," he said laughing, "Fan of the 80's?"
"Very," I said pointing to my Queen t-shirt.
"Nice," he said picking up his violin, "What do you play?"
"Um this and that," I shrugged, "I heard you write music too?"
"That's correct," he said, "I've got it here," he pulled out a pile of old manuscripts, "They're for the guitar."
"Wow," I said looking at them, "Can you play some?"
"Sure," he said and it was probably one of the more beautiful pieces I've heard. And I could see the passion he put in as well and i couldn't help feeling ever so slightly smitten.
We spent the day listening to old tracks and he showed me his vinyl collection. "I'm so jealous," I said enviously, "I've been saving for some vinyls"
"These were from charity shops," he admitted, "But some are collectibles"
"They're amazing," I said gently feeling around them.
"I want to hear some of your music now," he said moving some manuscripts aside, "Do you write some stuff?"
"A little.." I admitted, but it was nowhere as good as what he'd just played.
"Come on," he said sitting in his chair, "I'm desperate to hear this!"
"Ok," I said getting my music out, "But it's not very good."
I played carefully and steadily, watching him out the corner of my eyes, he was sat listening intently making me nervous.
"That's amazing," he said when I was done, "You're very talented,"
"Thanks," I said feeling my face flush, "It needs some improvement."
"Well why don't you try a different key?" He suggested, "Or try a different bowing technique?"
"How?" I asked, "Bowing is my weakness,"
"Here," he said placing his hands gently on mine, showing me carefully how to do it. He was explaining it so well but I could barely concentrate.
"Thanks Jacob," I said, trying it over and over again, "This is sounding so much better."
"No problem," he said smiling, "Its nice to finally meet someone into music too,"
"Same!" I said, "I've never known anyone who was into the 80s as much as me,"
"I like you already," he smiled leaning in a little too far but I retracted suddenly. He fumbled back embarrassed.
"Sorry Jacob," I said flushing, "Im going to have to stop you there."
"Oh I'm sorry, he said colouring too, "That's disappointing cause you're so beautiful,"
"Thank you," I said feeling my face burn as I got up.
"Can I call you?" He asked opening the door.
"Sure," I said walking through it, "Thanks for having me,"
"No problem," he said, "I hope to see you again,"

I walked home slowly cursing slightly. Why didn't I give Jacob a chance? He was so lovely, much nicer than Ryan ever was yet i dodged his advances. He clearly felt bad and we were both embarrassed after. I felt my phone in my hand, wondering if he actually was going to contact me again. He probably wouldn't. Not after that.
I got back and put my music stuff away and went into the living room to join the others.
"Hi Maria," said Bailey, "How was it?"
"Good," I replied flopping next to Tyler,
"Yeah?" said Bailey, "Nice."
"What's Jacob like?" asked Jody,
"Um," I shrugged, "He's just nice,"
"Nice?" repeated Carmen, "Come on spill!"
"There is nothing more to say," i replied, "We just played music which wouldn't really interest you,"
"Oh," she looked a little disappointed, "Nothing happened?"
"No," I said firmly but I could feel everyone's faces on me, including Ryan's who was leaning by the pool table.
The doorbell rang, "I'll get it," said Ryan sweeping out of the room and returned a minute later,
"Maria," he said pointing behind him, "It's for you,"
I got up and walked out, seeing Jacob stood by the front door.
"Jacob?" I said surprised closing the living room door behind me, only to realise Ryan was there, "What are you doing here?"
"Oh you left your music at mine," he said handing me a stack of my sheets, "I hope you don't mind, I had a look though, they're really good."
"Thanks," I said feeling myself growing warm again.
"Ryan mentioned he could play a bit of piano," he said.
"Did he?" I said very surprised turning to look at Ryan who didn't look at me.
"And I know you like violin duets but honestly piano and violin goes so much better and I can't play that yet." Jacob said, "Maybe you should duet with Ryan instead?"
"But he doesn't play piano," I angrily turning to Ryan.
He was looking directly at Jacob with the kind of look I'd feel very threatened to be on the receiving end of.
Jacob certainly looked a little uncomfortable, "Look I'd better go," he said, "I sense I've got in the middle of something."
"No no," I said walking after him, before he hit the door. We went through the front door and shut it behind us so Ryan couldn't hear.
"Look," I whispered, "I don't know what's going on, but Ryan and I are just friends."
"Don't think he'd agree with you on that one Maria," he said smiling, "I don't want to get between you-Ryan clearly likes you a lot."
"We're only friends Jacob," I said, "I promise."
"Right," he said, "I'll go, but I'd like to stay friends. Proper friends," he said raising his eyebrow, "Not the way you two are,"
"Thanks Jacob," I said gratefully, he really was a nice person, backing down to keep Ryan happy. Supposedly.
"It's alright," he said, "Do I get a hug?"
"Course," I threw my arms around him and hugged him tight. I'm glad I had a friend like him now-even if he had got it completely wrong about Ryan.
I needed to speak to Ryan.

I walked back into the hallway where Ryan was waiting for me. He had his arms folded and I closed the door slowly behind me.
"What was that all about it?" I asked him angrily, "Pretending you play the piano?"
"He's an arse Maria," he replied, "You don't want to get involved with him,"
"He's not an arse Ryan," I said, "You are. To me anyway."
I walked up the stairs but he caught me up halfway,
"What do you want Ryan?" I asked shoving him to the side, "I thought I was too uncool to be around with,"
"I wanna talk," he said stopping me from going into my room.
"About what?" I said, "You don't want me to be friends with you, you hate me, I don't know why, I don't know how but you don't want me as a friend anymore, I don't know if you ever did, so what on earth is going on?!"
I walked into my room and attempted to close the door but he followed me in and shut the door behind me.
"Well?" I said crossing my arms, "What's going on?"
He stared at me again, not saying anything.
"Either answer or get out Ryan," I said walking behind him to the door to open it but he stopped me, pressing me against the door.
"What are you doing?!" I asked surprised but he suddenly leant forward and kissed me hard on the lips. I was so taken aback I almost forgot how to kiss back but he had me hard against the door. It was harder than in the attic but it was nice. I felt faint. He finally pulled away looking me straight in the eye.
"You drive me crazy Maria," he murmured leaning in again.

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