The Close Kiss

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Maria POV

It was Johnny's turn to leave the dumping ground and we all gathered in the corridor to say goodbye. I was fairly sad as I'd always been fond of Johnny ever since my first scary days at the DG and even had a brief relationship with him two/three years back but we parted friends and remained close. It was sad to see him finally leave as we were only a year and a half apart so I knew my time to leave was coming ever closer still. I tried to deny that thought and wished him luck as he stepped into the car.
A few weeks later it was announced a new girl would be joining us, for three days before she went to a secure home. I knew the routine: secure home kids were normally trouble so we had to be well prepared. Ryan, Mo and Bailey however weren't interested and were too preoccupied with watering the neighbours plants as they were convinced there was a reward involved. Mo was annoyed as he genuinely liked plants and was therefore left in charge of the code and key. I offered to help but was placed in charge of helping Sasha settle. Can't say I was thrilled with this position especially when she arrived and smashed the mini bus lights. I realised then she felt very left out and wanted in more even if it was for only three days.
There was a knock on my door,
"Come in," I called and Mo walked in holding what looked like a video tape.
"Hi Mo, what's up?" I asked slipping the diary I'd been writing under my pillow.
"It's a tape of me and my family," he said, "The downstairs tv doesn't play videos, do you have a video recorder?"
"No, I'm sorry," I answered looking around my room, "What about your mates in town?"
He shook his head, "None of them have one."
"Oh," I thought deeply, "Wait, what about the neighbours?"
"The Bagshaws?" He said, "Yeah they have one."
"Great!" I said, "They're not home so they'll never notice."
"Yeah I'll be there with Ryan and Bailey later," he wavered, "But I don't want them to see it..they know."
"Ah." I knew. I knew exactly what he meant.
I lightly slapped his shoulder comfortingly, "Don't worry," I said, "You go with them, send them back on an errand, lock them out and there you go. Free house."
He looked at me like I was mad, "They'll notice within two minutes. I won't get very far into the video."
"Ok fair enough," I said withdrawing my hand and thinking.
"Would you come?" He asked suddenly.
"Me?" I asked surprised.
"Yeah," he said, "They'll listen to you. They always do."
"Not always," I mumbled but he didn't hear me. He was looking at me earnestly.
"Fine," I agreed, "I'll come, and tell them to be understanding. If they don't, I'll sort them out."
He lit up, "Thanks Maria!" he hugged me hard and skipped out of the room. I laughed to myself.
"That kid," I thought, "is amazing."

So later as agreed I waited at the front door for Mo when Mike caught me up.
"Maria, Tee really needs your help," he said, "Sasha's escaped."
"Oh see Mike I was going to help Mo with the plants-"
"Can you do it later please?" he cut me off, "This is urgent, she's gone missing."
"Sure," I said grabbing hold of Mo who'd just arrived.
"Mo I'm sorry, Sasha's gone missing and I need to help." I saw his crestfallen face, "But don't worry," I said grabbing a passing Bailey, "He'll be fine, won't he?"
I shot the confused Bailey a look and he immediately nodded, "Sure Mo come on man."
I gave him a grateful smile and ran out to find Sasha accompanied by Jody and Tyler who had her face on posters and were hanging them on trees and bus shelters.
"Maria why don't you wait at the house?" Tyler said, "In case she decided to pop back?"
"Good idea," i agreed and sprinted back to the house and waited in the kitchen keeping a strong eye on the door to see if she was going to come back.


We'd watered the plants and my tape was stuck in the video recorder. Ryan and Bailey were finally tidying everything up when I spotted May-Li walking down the driveway.
"Guys," I panicked, "May-Li's coming."
The two of them stared at me and we jumped behind the sofa and lay in nervous wait as she scoured the house. When she finally left we realised she'd typed the code in and we were locked in and she had the key.
"Now what?" said Bailey flinging his hands in the air.
"Mo you need to remember the code," said Ryan, looking at me.
"But we still need the keys," I said, "Can't we ring someone to bring them?"
"Good idea," said Bailey delving in his pockets, "Oh..I left my phone at home."
Ryan was searching his pockets too, "It's dead," he said flinging his mobile back in his jacket.
"The landline?" I suggested and we walked towards the phone on the table, "Does anyone know anyone's number off by heart?" Bailey asked.
"Mike's..." I answered shrugging.
"Very helpful," said Bailey sarcastically but Ryan had already taken the phone, "I know Maria's" he said typing into the keypad.
"Oh typical," smirked Bailey rolling his eyes, "He knows his girlfriend's."
"Shut up she's not my girlfriend," he snapped waiting for her to answer.
"Yeah," said Bailey raising his eyebrows at me, "That's what he says."
I hid a smile. It was obvious to me and Bailey that Ryan fancied Maria but the rest of the DG didn't seem to have noticed.

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