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Maria POV

I mulled over the moment with Ryan in his room for weeks afterwards despite knowing he'd probably erased it from his memory within seconds and it was now insignificant to him.
I decided not to pursue anything so 'admired' from afar, I guess you could call it that, and didn't drop any hints to anyone or try anything with him. I still felt bad for unintentionally dodging his kiss.
I knew i wasn't going to suddenly stop liking him so didn't force myself to try and get over him but it was proving hard to hide my feelings. Especially as a few months later it became apparent one of my school classmates Sophie, had a huge crush on him. She told me one day after school when she caught me walking in the park. She led me to a bench and sat me down before letting it all out.
"I mean, isn't he just so cute?" She gushed to me, "What's he like to live with?"
"Um..interesting," I answered unsure of what to think or say. I'd never been too keen on Sophie. She was very whiny and needy and we'd often argued  so I was surprised she even wanted to talk to me.
"Come on you have to tell me everything," she demanded, "You're his best friend, you must know it all."
That wasn't entirely true. But it explained why she wanted to talk to me suddenly. I may be his best friend but I certainly didn't know everything. He barely uttered a word about his personal life-no one ever knows what he's thinking.
Plus the phrase "best friend" was so defined that I knew then I was completely friend zoned.
"What do you want to know?" I asked her.
"Well, has he ever mentioned me?" She urged, "Ever?"
I grinned slightly behind my hand. In truth, he had. He'd been paired up with her once for a project and had complained about her high voice and clingy attitude. I may not like Sophie but wasn't mean enough to crush her.
"No, I don't think so." I said, "Only that you were paired up once for a history project."
"Oh yeah, anything else about that?" She asked eagerly.
Shit. She was persistent as hell.
"No sorry," I said desperately hoping she'd lay off me.
"Hey ladies," a familiar voice called and I looked up to see Ryan sauntering past, hands casually in his pockets. I felt Sophie next to me tense massively-blimey she'd fallen for him hard.
"Hey," I called, "What are you doing here?"
"Mike wants you," he replied, "So I came to get you-you coming?"
"Yep," I leaped up, grateful for the excuse to leave.
"Bye Sophie," I waved her goodbye, "See you tomorrow,"
She nodded barely looking at me so I strolled off with Ryan towards the park gates.
"So what does Mike want?" I asked.
He grinned, "He doesn't want you so far I know, just thought I'd help you get away from Sophie,  I know you don't like her."
I looked at him slightly shocked, "Bit mean," I laughed, "But cheers, she was getting on my nerves."
"I can imagine," he answered, "What did she want?"
"Oh...nothing important." I replied and we had an enjoyable stroll back to Ashdene Ridge, Sophie driven out of our minds completely within thirty seconds.

We'd nearly reached home when a group of boys from the year above walked past us and one wolf whistled loudly making me cringe heavily. I hate wolf whistling at the best of times. It's. Not. A. Compliment.
Ryan didn't see it as one either and grabbed the whistler by the arm,
"Oi," he said surprised, he was fairly good looking and looked at Ryan who was a year younger but nearly his height, "What you playing at?"
"Don't do that to my friend," he said glaring at him, "She doesn't like it."
He looked confused from me to Ryan then burst out laughing and his mates did too.
"Aw ain't this cute?" He laughed, "Defending his girl like that, alright man I'm sorry. We'll leave you now."
He ruffled Ryan's hair and walked back to his friends who were still laughing,
"Have a goodnight mate!" He shouted over his shoulder raising his eyebrows,  as they retreated still laughing.
We exchanged looks of amusement before continuing the last hundred metres, slightly ruffled.
"Well they're harmless enough," I said, "But thanks."
"S'ok," he replied shortly, "I could tell you were uncomfortable."
"Good to know I've got you to defend me then," I said smiling.
He looked at me before we both burst out laughing too and ran indoors racing each other to the front door like we used to do. He won. Of course.

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