Sparks Fly

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A/N: I'm very flattered by all the sudden reads and reviews from everyone taking the time to check my story out. Much appreciated, you kind people xxxx

Maria POV

Ryan leant in again and kissed me again, softly and carefully this time. His lips moved on mine slowly and controlled and to say I was surprised was an understatement.
This was Ryan who a few days ago said he didn't to hang out with me however now had me pressed against my bedroom door, finding the deepest recesses of my mouth.
He suddenly pulled away, looking me awkwardly in the eye. He looked at me sheepishly, almost waiting for permission.
"Come here you," I said smiling grabbing his face in both my hands. He did his classic half grin and leant into me again.
He kissed slowly but passionately as if everything that had built up over the last few months was being released as I let his hands explore me. My hands were  wrapped around his shoulders, my fingers curling through his hair feeling every soft strand as sparks exploded down my spine.
"You've driven me crazy Maria," he mumbled running his hands through my hair, "Ever since I first met you.."
"I know," I whispered, "I feel the same."
"I didn't mean it. What I said earlier," he said, "Jacob's a really good guy, honestly, he's just..perfect for you."
"He's great," I mumbled craning my neck to look at him, "But you're better."

I'm not sure how much time passed as jut was all a bit of a blur.
Eventually he pulled away, an embarrassed grin on his face, I smiled back, "Ryan.."
"Ssh," he murmured cupping my chin in his hands and coming in again.
"Ryan," I pushed him off me, "What's this all about?"
He looked at me, his arms still around my waist, his hand in mine, "I'm sorry Maria," he said, "I..."
He held his hands up, stepped back, shrugging. His brown eyes bored into mine, and I smiled pityingly,
"Ryan," I put my hand in his, "What is it?"
He flinched and lost eye contact, "I don't know Maria," he sighed running his hands through his hair, looking irresistibly cute, "I can't have...these feelings."
I sighed, "You can't hide from your feelings Ryan," I said taking his hands again, forcing him to look at me, "You have to face them."
He flinched, not quite meeting my eye,
"I couldn't work you out Maria," he said, "Right from the start there was something different about you that I couldn't ignore."
"Um...thanks?" I said unsure of what to say, "Is that a compliment?"
He stared at me, "I don't know what to do, I always vowed never to feel this way."
"Don't fight your feelings Ryan," I told him.
He ran his hand through his hair again while I sighed, "Would you like to think about it?" I offered opening the door, "Find me when you've made up your mind."
He smiled wanly but closed the door looking at me, "Don't worry," he said, "I already have."
He encased me in his arms smiling down at me, "I can't believe this," he said burying his face in my hair, "I never thought I'd feel like this."
"Glad I could be the first," I murmured leaning against him.
"Ryan?" we heard Mike call from downstairs and we instantly sprang apart.
"I need to go," he said, "Before he comes up to find us."
"Will you meet me later?" I asked.
"Course," he said, "Saturday's movie night."
"I promise," he said but as he left the room I stopped him, "Wait," I reached up and took my necklace off my neck. It was my special necklace that I never took off, Ryan looked at me questioningly. He knew how much it meant to me.
"Here," I handed it to him, "You have to meet me now."
His fingers closed around it slowly, as he smiled slightly.
"Look after it," I warned him opening the door so he could leave.
"I will," he promised slipping it into his pocket as he left downstairs. I watched him leave with a strange sense of emptiness not only from the uncomfortable empty feeling on my neck.

The unofficial/official relationship remained a secret in the DG. It was out of the question to make it public. It hadn't worked out with Rick and Carmen and the care workers monitor internal teenage relationships carefully for predictable reasons.
We never told anyone but realised some noticed anyway. We were just slightly too close. Apparently.
Ryan was clearly still struggling with his feelings, constantly wanting to be with me, however conflicting against him giving in to himself.
Jacob remained a good friend of mine and told me to leave Ryan to it as he'll work it eventually. I was immensely grateful for him.
Saturday was movie night and it was the teenagers turn as the younger ones picked the film last week. Bailey had picked one of the scariest films possible so none of the kids or care workers wanted to stay, so it was only me, Carmen, Ryan, Tyler, Jody and Bailey.
"This is a good idea guys," I said sitting down, "Pick the scary films so we get the telly for ourselves."
"Yeah it's my cunning plan," grinned Bailey sticking it in and curling up on the sofa next to Carmen who look liked she massively regretted her decision to stay.
"Calm it babes," he said to Carmen, putting his arm round her, who shot him the strangest look.
Ryan and I caught each others' eye and struggled not to laugh, so I lay on the sofa next to him, wrapping the big blanket around us, while Jody switched the light off.
I was uncertain as to whether Ryan would mind if I leant against him so I decided against it but kept a close eye on him through out. He was staring straight ahead at the screen, not keeping his eyes off it. I wondered if he still had my necklace. It was a promise of our unofficial relationship and I hoped he'd looked after it.
After twenty minutes Carmen suddenly jumped up, "I'm sorry," she said, "But I can't do this."
She opened the door and swept out of the room.
"Carms!" shouted Bailey holding his arms out questioningly, "What's up?" He got up went after her, leaving the rest of us confused.
"Did she find the film too scary?" asked Tyler,
"The man with four arms wasn't that scary," said Jody taking her sofa spot.
"Think it was Bailey's four arms that scared her," muttered Ryan and I hid a grin. They hadn't said anything, but Bailey had been hitting on Carmen ever since he first came.
We carried on with the film until I felt Ryan nudge me.
"Look," he pointed to the other sofa where Jody had fallen asleep on Tyler who also looked like he was dozing off.
"Aw cute," I said slipping my mobile out of my pocket to snap a quick picture, "They can't deny anything now."
He laughed, "Not anymore,"
I slid my phone back into the back pocket of my jeans, "Guess it's just us,"
"Private film night," he said smiling, "Nice."
We carried on watching but I felt myself also starting to doze off, despite me being a generally bad sleeper.
"Hey Maria," he said gently shaking me, "Don't fall asleep on me now,"
"Sorry," I said straightening up, the film was still playing but neither of us were still watching.
"Had enough?" He asked and I nodded, "Let's go," he said and we both got up and walked out, passing Jody and Tyler who were now fast asleep on the sofa. The hall was dark as most of the children were in bed, Mike had gone home and May-Li was probably in the shower as we heard some faint water running.
We walked upstairs and over the landing and he stopped by his bedroom.
"Night Maria," he said opening the door, he looked as if he was about to say something else but didn't so walked into his room and shut the door behind him. I stared at the shut door, a little confused. He'd seemed off with me the whole evening and I had no idea why.
I knocked on his door, waited a few moments and then it opened. He didn't look surprised to see me there.
"Maria," he said holding his hand out. Confused, I cupped my own slightly shaking hand out and he dropped my necklace back in it. I shot him a strange look.
"Ryan?" I asked concerned, "What's wrong? This is a promise necklace,"
His face was paler and he looked nervous and stressed, his eyes were dancing around, looking around desperately.
"I'm sorry Maria," he said looking me dead straight in my eye, "I can't do this. I can't be with you."

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