Chapter 15: Joshaya Meets No Supervision

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For this story, Josh and Andrew live in a pretty big and nice apartment (because I was googling pictures and my imagination took off). Before you start the chapter, the picture above is what the rooms of the apartment look like. Starting from top left: Josh's bedroom, kitchen, living room, Josh's bathroom, Andrew's bedroom, Andrew's bathroom. Also it gets a little mature (no sex just maybe a make out session. Read and see).

*day after Riley's birthday, Josh is at his apartment getting ready for Maya to come over*
Josh: Andrew is your room clean? Maya is coming and I don't want her to see any messes! *cleans up the kitchen*
Andrew: *laughs* dude you need to calm down. Yes my room is clean and why is Maya even going to see my room? Isn't she coming over just to watch movies and hang out? *raises his eyebrow*
Josh: *rolls his eyes* yes she's coming over to hang out but if she does happen to wander in your room I don't want her to see your dirty boxers on the floor.
Andrew: well my room is clean. I'm going to head out and I'll be back later. Say hi to Maya for me and if anyone asks I was here the whole time *laughs and heads out the door*
Josh: thanks dude! Later *smiles as he leaves and continues to clean up*

*meanwhile with Maya and Riley*
Maya: Riley what should I wear when I go to Josh's apartment? I don't want to look too casual or too formal *looks through her bag of clothes that she leaves at Riley's*
Riley: it's just my Uncle Josh and Andrew right? I don't think they'll care what you wear *smiles*
Maya: *bites her lip* yeah Andrew will be there *feels bad for lying to her* but still... what do I wear?
Riley: hold on I think I have the perfect outfit *goes through her closet and pulls out the outfit below*

 what do I wear?Riley: hold on I think I have the perfect outfit *goes through her closet and pulls out the outfit below*

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Maya: ooh it's perfect. Thanks Riles *takes the outfit and goes into the bathroom to change*
Riley: *sees Maya come out of the bathroom* you look great peaches. What time are you going over?
Maya: he said 11 and it's now 10:15 so I'll leave soon because of the subway and walking *smiles*

*11 am Maya arrives at Josh's apartment*
Josh: *looks at his watch* she'll be here any second *takes a look around* everything is clean.
Maya: *knocks on his door and double checks her outfit*
Josh: *opens the door and smiles when he sees Maya* hey ferret you look gorgeous.
Maya: *blushes and walks in* thanks boing. Wow your apartment looks so cool *smiles*
Josh: thanks. If it wasn't for you we wouldn't have painted walls *laughs*
Maya: *laughs* that was a great day. So what do you got planned?
Josh: take out and movies? *smiles*
Maya: great *walks to the living room* jeez that's a massive tv and entertainment system.
Josh: yeah Andrew knows a guy who hooked us up with surround sound *chuckles*
Maya: *sits down next to Josh* I like it when we hang out *rests her head on his shoulder*
Josh: *wraps his arm around her pulling her closer to him* me too ferret. Let's watch Fast & Furious and I'll call in some take out *dials the phone number*
Maya: *smiles and gets up to look through the DVDs* you have so many movies.
Josh: you know what that means right? More movie days for us *smirks*
Maya: I still can't believe Shawn let me come over here thinking Andrew will be here *smiles*
Josh: I still can't believe that I need a chaperone when I'm 19. Do they really think we'll do something if we're alone? *shakes his head*
Maya: I know right? They trust us separately but together they think we'll hook up? I'm not ready for that and Shawn knows that.
Josh: he's just looking out for you Maya *hugs her* I hope you know I would never pressure you to do something you don't want to do.
Maya: of course I know that. I trust you. I know you'd never hurt me *kisses his cheek*
Josh: *hears a knock at the door* must be the food. I'll be right back.
Maya: *smiles and continues to look through the movies* he's my boing and I love him *says it under her breath*
Josh: *comes back into the room with food* got the food. Did you find the movie?
Maya: *holds up the DVD case* yup. I'm really happy I'm here Josh.
Josh: *puts the food on the table and inserts the DVD* me too gorgeous. Now come cuddle with me.
Maya: don't have to tell me twice *immediately curls up next to Josh and smiles when he wraps his arms around her*
Josh: *smiles at Maya and plays the movie* you look so beautiful Maya *gently rubs her sides*
Maya: *blushes* you're very handsome Josh *moves closer to him*
Josh: *continues to rub her sides while watching the movie*
Maya: *smiles loving the feeling of Josh rubbing her sides* Josh can you pause the movie?
Josh: *pauses it* what's wrong?
Maya: *smiles* nothing. I just wanted to do this *kisses him*
Josh: *immediately kisses back and pulls Maya's body so she's sitting on his lap*
Maya: *feels Josh's tongue caressing hers and wraps her arms around his neck*
Josh: *continues to make out with Maya and feels her hands gently tug on his hair*
Maya: *pulls away when she needs to breathe* wow.
Josh: *tries to catch his breath* whoa that was intense. I like it *kisses her again* you do something to me Maya. You make me throw care out the window. When we kiss I don't want to stop *notices Maya is still on his lap* and when you're sitting on my lap like this, I don't want you to leave.
Maya: *smiles* I love you Josh *rests her head on his shoulder*
Josh: *runs his hands through her hair* I love you too Maya. Very much. Do you want to eat some and just talk instead of watching a movie?
Maya: *lifts her head to look into his eyes* I'd like that. We can watch the movie later.
Josh: *grabs one of the take out boxes and gives it to Maya* I got you your favorite.
Maya: *smiles* thanks boing *starts to eat* this is really good.
Josh: yeah this place around the corner makes the best Chinese food *smiles* how has school been going?
Maya: *laughs* well Riley and Lucas make goofy eyes at each other and Zay makes jokes all the time. Cory continues to teach us about life. Farkle and Smackle continues to outsmart the rest of us. And of course I'm still me. My history grade is higher and so is my English grade. I'm still trying to get better at science and math but it's a struggle. How's college? *smiles*
Josh: *smiles* well I can help you with school Maya. You could come over here after school 'cause I'll be done with class and I can help. College is going well. Living here with Andrew is a lot better than Schnoopaloop and the dorms. My grades are the same, straight As. For some reason one of my classes require me to spend a certain amount of hours helping the community. So I might ask Cory if I can come help him out.
Maya: *beams* that would be awesome! I'd get to see you everyday.
Josh: *chuckles* you already see me pretty much everyday. But you do know that if I do help Cory out I can't hold your hand or kiss your cheek or act like I like you a whole lot more than the rest right?
Maya: yeah I know that but did you forget the Ski Lodge? The whole class already knows that we like each other *laughs* apparently Riley has turned the class into Joshaya shippers.
Josh: *laughs* that sounds like Riley. Okay I'll ask Cory if I can help him out. And I mean it about coming over here after school. I want you to succeed in school.
Maya: thanks boing. I'll talk to mom and Shawn. I'm sure they'll say yes. So how is it going finding a girlfriend for Andrew? [Andrew told Josh that he doesn't want to be a third wheel so Josh said he'd help him find a girlfriend]
Josh: its going fine. He's an attractive guy so it's not hard finding girls who want to date him. It's just he hasn't found a girl that he likes a lot.
Maya: wait what about Jasmine? The girl from the college party that said maybe one day you'll see me differently. I recall seeing her look at him like I look at you *smiles*
Josh: *smiles* why didn't I think of that? They'd be good together. They are already friends and friendship is a great foundation for a relationship. I'll talk to him about asking her out later. You're a genius Maya.
Maya: *laughs* well I like Andrew. He's a good guy and he's your best friend. He deserves to have someone that makes him happy.
Josh: I still remember what he said at that party *laughs* he's the first one to notice how I felt about you and didn't think it was weird. That's when I knew he's my best friend. He's like my Riley. He listened to me for a year talking about how I felt about you. He's the one who convinced me to chaperone the Ski Lodge trip when Topanga asked me. He said "dude go tell her how you feel. End that damn triangle and get your girl*
Maya: *smiles* so he knew about the triangle?
Josh: yeah Topanga filled me in about how you were acting more like Riley and I talked to him about how I got sad that you liked Lucas but he was the one who said "maybe she's being Riley to protect her from getting heartbroken. Go on the trip. When she sees you, if she still acts giggly, she's still into you. Her liking Lucas might just be her inner Riley liking him". The more I thought about you and Lucas and how you acted around me, I was sure that Andrew was right about you protecting Riley.
Maya: so when I got giggly when you walked in and said "hey kiddies" you were happy?
Josh: yes because it confirmed that deep down you were still Maya and you still liked me. I saw how you looked at Lucas. Inner Maya saw him as a brother. But when you looked at me, I could see that inner Maya was trying to come back and jump on me. I knew that Lucas didn't really like you. He liked the Maya who was turning into Riley. Essentially he was falling for two Rileys *laughs* I owe Andrew a lot.
Maya: thank you Josh for saving inner Maya. Thank you for ending that awful triangle and saving my friendship with Riley. And thank Andrew for me for being your Riley *smiles* you have no idea how happy I was when you told me you liked me back.
Josh: I could see it in your face when I told you. Your face lit up and I could see Maya was back for good. I didn't end the triangle. The second you realized that you were protecting Riley, the triangle was done. Lucas just needed to realize that he was falling for Riley since the beginning *smiles* I knew you and Lucas weren't going to be a couple. You never looked at him like you look at me.
Maya: oh? And how do I look at you? *smirks*
Josh: *smirks back* every time you look at me, I see love in your eyes. A big smile appears on your face even if you were having a bad day. The mere sight of me sometimes made you weak in the knees so Topanga had to hold you up. And I notice that you gravitate towards me. Even before I told you how I felt I noticed you always were by my side or wanted to be. Even when I came over with my acceptance letter and you were trying to not care, yeah I saw what you were trying to do, you ended up barging through the door and jumped on me. I knew it was because you couldn't stand not knowing if I got into NYU or not.
Maya: *speechless* you noticed all that? Wow. You really do observe people.
Josh: remember when I said "it's my life" and you said "it affects me too"? I knew it affected you. The second I got that letter and walked in and saw you, I knew it affected both of us. Do you know why I applied to NYU? *smiles and continues to eat*
Maya: why did you apply? *looks at him curiously*
Josh: I applied for numerous reasons. I wanted to get out of the house and grow up. If you haven't noticed Cory is my favorite brother so I wanted to be closer to him. Part of me wanted to be closer to Riley and Auggie and be a better uncle. But another part of me, a bigger part, wanted to go to NYU so that I could be closer to you. At the time I didn't want to admit that you were a reason to come because I thought it was wrong to like you. I was happy to see you when I got the letter but I was scared. I was scared that if I didn't get in I'd go to school in Pennsylvania and see you less than I already saw you.
Maya: you came to NYU to be closer to me? That is the sweetest thing anyone has done for me *smiles* so how did you feel when you got in?
Josh: happy. You had jumped off my back and I was going to hug you but everyone pushed you away.
Maya: yeah I remember that. I was sad that I didn't get to hug you *chuckles*
Josh: *smiles* I was sad too. I wanted you to be the first to congratulate me.
Maya: will you settle with me being the first to know you got in? *smiles*
Josh: I love that you were the first to know. Just know that when it's time for you to go to college I'm going to get you back for opening my letter [hint hint for a future chapter!] *winks*
Maya: I wouldn't expect anything less boing *laughs* can I tell you something that I haven't told anyone not even Riley?
Josh: you can tell me anything Maya you know that. No matter what it is, I want you to tell me. I don't have to be the first to know but I want to know anything and everything that is about you.
Maya: there's a reason I'm trying to get my grades up. I want to apply to NYU. I don't want to tell anyone else.
Josh: that's great that you want to go to NYU. Why don't you want people to know that? *looks at her*
Maya: because they'll automatically assume that the only reason I want to go to NYU is because you'll be there. I don't want them to think that *looks down* you're not the only reason why I want to go to NYU. The night I snuck out to the party I passed by the arts building and saw that they have a great program. I want to go to NYU because of the art program. You being there is just an extra bonus.
Josh: Maya if you tell them that you want to go for the art program then they'll know that you're not going just for me. I mean it would be awesome to have you here but I'm glad you're going for the program. Now I'm definitely going to help you with your schoolwork. I'm going to make sure your dream comes true.
Maya: thank you Josh. Thank you for believing in me *kisses him* you have no idea how happy it makes me knowing that you believe in me.
Josh: I'll always believe in you. I know you're smarter than people give you credit for *smiles and pulls her closer to him*
Maya: *smiles* I'm still in your lap Josh. Maybe I should move. This can't be comfortable for you *puts her food down and was about to get up when Josh stops her*
Josh: don't you dare move *his hands are on her waist* I love it when you're sitting on my lap. We can't do this at Cory's because he'll stop us *smiles*
Maya: you're right. Plus I sorta like being this close to you *rests her forehead on his*
Josh: *closes his eyes* me too gorgeous. I'm tempted to kiss you.
Maya: *smiles* I know boing. No one is stopping you. [WARNING: it gets a bit steamy from here!]
Josh: *immediately kisses her and puts his food down*
Maya: *kisses back feeling his arms wrap around her waist*
Josh: *licks her bottom lip begging for entrance*
Maya: *grants him entrance and feels his tongue play with hers*
Josh: *can't help the groan that comes out and picks her and walks to his bedroom*
Maya: *feels Josh walking and wraps her legs around his waist*
Josh: *gently puts her on his bed and continues to kiss her*
Maya: *gently tugs on his hair and hears him groan*
Josh: *uses one hand to support his body so he doesn't crush her and uses the other hand to caress her sides*
Maya: *feels her shirt ride up and his hand touching the skin exposed*
Josh: *caresses her hip and hears a little moan come from Maya*
Maya: *feels Josh's mouth leave her lips to trail kisses down her jaw and neck* Josh...
Josh: *lifts his head* Maya... oh my god I'm so sorry! *immediately jumps up* I'm so sorry for going too far.
Maya: *sits up and fixes her shirt* it's okay Josh. We were in the moment.
Josh: *shakes his head* I had imagined what it would be like to make you moan... but I took advantage of you. Shit...
Maya: stop. Josh you didn't take advantage of me. If I wanted you to stop I would've stopped you. I liked it. It didn't feel weird. It felt natural.
Josh: you sure you're okay? *looks at her*
Maya: *gets off the bed and walks to him wrapping her arms around his neck* Josh I just had the most intense make out session with the man I love. Of course I'm okay. I wouldn't mind doing it again *kisses him* but you can't go around blaming yourself for this. I wanted you to kiss me.
Josh: I love you. I love kissing you. But I don't think we should do the whole heavy making out thing until we're officially together. I would never forgive myself if I went too far with you.
Maya: *pouts* but I like making out with you. And you won't go to far with me. If we get to the point where I don't want to continue, I'll stop you.
Josh: I know you would Maya. I just am afraid of what I'll do. What if we're so into it that when you tell me to stop I don't hear you or listen? I never want to hurt you *strokes her hair and looks deeply into her eyes*
Maya: if I say to stop and you won't listen then I'll shove you away from me. Josh I'm 16. I know my boundaries. What we just did didn't cross any boundaries *smiles*
Josh: *chuckles* we're supposed to be friends until someday comes. How many friends do you know that make out with other friends?
Maya: we could be friends with benefits?
Josh: yeah we're not doing that *rolls his eyes* that's not happening.
Maya: *laughs* why not?
Josh: because I want you and not just for your body but for your mind and soul *smiles*
Maya: *smiles* okay fine no friends with benefits. Obviously we can't make today someday and those rules are bullshit 'cause we keep breaking rule number 2. We like kissing each other so let's kiss each other.
Josh: no one warned me that this long game would be hard. It's hard to be around you and not kiss you *hugs her* and it'd be harder to just stop seeing you altogether.
Maya: *hugs him back* what do we do then?
Josh: not sure but now I know why Cory wanted Andrew to be here. I hate it when he's right.
Maya: *laughs* so are we going to tell Andrew he really does have to be here when I'm here?
Josh: honestly I think it'd be better if he was here. Maybe next time we can invite Jasmine so that Andrew isn't lonely.
Maya: ooh next weekend! Me, you, Andrew, and Jasmine and spin the bottle!
Josh: *looks at her like she is nuts* hell no. With spin the bottle you can end up kissing Andrew! No way is that happening! And I don't want to kiss Jasmine.
Maya: *rolls her eyes* strip poker?
Josh: *again stares at her like she is crazy* no way in hell is that happening!
Maya: why not?  *smiles innocently*
Josh: do you really want to be naked in front of me, Andrew, and Jasmine? Not to mention that would be the first time you'd see me naked. Want an audience for that? *raises his eyebrow*
Maya: good point. No strip poker *laughs* but what if it's strip poker with just us? *winks*
Josh: can you imagine what Shawn would do to me if he found out? *laughs* and I doubt you'd go up to him and say "bye Shawn I'm going to Josh's to play strip poker". He'd freak out.
Maya: how about when we're officially together and I'm above the age of 18? Nothing Shawn can do then.
Josh: fine after you turn 18 we can play strip poker *rolls his eyes* now how about truth or dare for next weekend? It's clean and safe and we can make a rule that it has to stay PG-13.
Maya: truth or dare is much more fun when it's rated R *smiles* but I like it. And I think Jasmine and Andrew will have fun.
Josh: when did you play rated R truth or dare? *crosses his arms and looks at her sternly*
Maya: *rolls her eyes* I never have but I'm assuming it's more fun. Calm down boing. I'm innocent.
Josh: *laughs* you? Innocent? Not by a long shot but I love you anyways.
Maya: *laughs* love you too boing. Now are we going to keep talking in your bedroom or go do something?
Josh: you're right. Want to go cuddle on the couch? *smirks*
Maya: why don't we just cuddle here? *winks*
Josh: *smiles* I like your mind ferret *sits on his bed with Maya and holds her close*
Maya: *smiles* what time is it?
Josh: *checks his watch* its 4 pm. What time did Shawn tell you to be home?
Maya: *bites her lip* he said to be back home by 7.
Josh: okay so we'll leave here at 6:40 and I'll drive you back home *smiles* I can't wait for the prank on Christmas.
Maya: *laughs* me too. I wonder if they'll fall for it or they'll know it's a prank.
Josh: knowing them, they'll immediately jump to freak out mode before we finish talking *laughs*
Maya: it'll be funny to watch it. What do you want for Christmas?
Josh: I have what I need. I have you in my life. I'm good *kisses her nose* what about you gorgeous? What do you want for Christmas?
Maya: *plays with his fingers* I don't need or want anything. I have you and Riley and my family. I'm set for life *smiles*
Josh: well I'm still going to get you something *plays with her hair*
Maya: what would you think about me cutting my hair?
Josh: *gapes at her* don't cut your hair. I love your beautiful blonde hair. I love being able to play with it.
Maya: okay no hair cut. How about dying it purple?
Josh: are you insane? Keep your hair the way it is. I love everything about you. Please don't change anything.
Maya: *smiles* fine but the next thing I'm going to say will probably cause you to freak out. I'm going to diet and lose weight.
Josh: *looks at her* you don't need to lose weight. You are stunning the way you are.
Maya: but I have curves Josh *looks at her waist*
Josh: look at me Maya. I. Love. Your. Curves *kisses her head* your curves are really sexy *rubs lazy circles on her waist*
Maya: you just called me sexy *blushes*
Josh: *smiles* because you are Maya. Please don't be insecure about your body because I will sit here and tell you how incredibly cute, pretty, beautiful, gorgeous, hot, and sexy you are. And I'll mean every word.
Maya: I wish I could be taller *looks at him*
Josh: I think you're at the perfect height. You don't have to stretch that much to kiss me and I don't have to lower my head much. Plus if you were any taller it'd be hard for you to be able to jump on my back.
Maya: Riley is taller than me and I've seen pictures of you giving her piggy back rides *smiles*
Josh: what? Do you have any? Let me see! *smiles*
Maya: *pulls out her phone and shows him this photo*

Maya: Riley is taller than me and I've seen pictures of you giving her piggy back rides *smiles*Josh: what? Do you have any? Let me see! *smiles*Maya: *pulls out her phone and shows him this photo*

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Josh: *smiles* that was a good day. I was afraid though that she'd fall because her legs are so long it was hard to hold her steady.
Maya: yeah she's a bit of a klutz *chuckles* but we love her all the same.
Josh: it feels so good to have you in my arms *smiles*
Maya: *smiles* yeah it does feel good to be here. I wish I didn't have to go home soon *groans*
Josh: hey don't worry you'll be back here a lot and soon we'll play truth or dare with Andrew and Jasmine *pulls her closer to him*
Maya: *closes her eyes and yawns* I could fall asleep like this.
Josh: as much as I'd love to have you sleeping in my arms, I don't want to get killed by Shawn for bringing you home late. Let's head out early so that you can sleep at home *gently lifts Maya off of him and she stretches*
Maya: okay. I can't wait for the next time we can cuddle *smiles*
Josh: me too gorgeous *kisses her head* get your shoes on so we can go.

*Josh and Maya go to Maya's apartment on his motorcycle and say goodnight*

A/N: that's the end of this chapter! Next chapter is going to be the prank Joshaya is pulling on Cory and Shawn. The chapter after that will be Maya's 17th birthday and then it'll be Joshaya playing truth or dare with Jasmine and Andrew. Don't worry guys their someday is coming. Once I do the truth or dare chapter I'll jump to junior year and then senior year. I have already decided how and when their someday starts and all I will say is this: either the treehouse or the Ski Lodge will play a part. Don't ask me which one because I won't say anything. Hope you all enjoyed this chapter including the steamy parts (of you don't like those parts or don't want them in this story let me know because I don't want to offend anyone). Don't forget to comment and vote! ❤️

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