Chapter 12: How Josh and Maya met

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A/N: this takes place after the homecoming dance (here in my city homecoming is sometime in September) but before Halloween so I'm going to say this takes place in early October. For those who didn't like that Zay was the bad guy in the last chapter: Zay apologized to Maya for how he treated her and now they're back to normal and Josh doesn't hate Zay. Are you curious on how Joshaya met? I've always wondered how Josh and Maya met and I don't know if the show will ever mention it so this chapter is going to be how I think they met. Enjoy! Oh and before we begin, here is what Maya and Josh looked like when they were younger.

 Enjoy! Oh and before we begin, here is what Maya and Josh looked like when they were younger

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*Cory, Topanga, Riley, Maya, and Josh are hanging out at the Matthews apartment. Auggie is at Ava's*
Topanga: Cory where's the photo albums?
Cory: *smiles* bookshelf honey.
Topanga: *goes to the bookshelf and starts looking* oh I found it! Kids come look at this album with me.
Riley: which album is that one mom?
Maya: yeah because you guys keep so many *laughs*
Josh: and why do you want me to look too? I'm probably in like 3 pictures in that album *laughs*
Topanga: *holds up one of the many albums* this album is one that you three probably didn't know we had. This is from the summer when Maya and Riley were 7, a few months after they met *waiting for Josh or Maya to catch on*
Joshaya: *looks at each other with their jaws dropped* that's the summer we met!
Riley: oh my gosh I wanna see baby Maya and baby Josh! *runs to Topanga*
Josh: I remember the first time I saw you Maya *smiles*
Maya: me too!

~flashback to the summer of 2008 (Maya is 7 and Josh is 10)~
Riley: *sitting in the car next to Maya* daddy when will be at Grandma's?
Cory: soon Riley *continues looking at the road as he drives* how you doing Maya?
Maya: *looks out the window* I'm okay Mr. Matthews. Thank you for bringing me with you *smiles*
Topanga: *smiles* you're part of the family Maya *looks and sees the Matthews house* we're here girls!

Riley: yay! I can't wait to play with Uncle Josh! *squeals excitedly*Maya: Riley your grown up uncle is going to play with us? *looks at Riley curiously*Riley: Uncle Josh is 10 years old Maya *smiles*Maya: *shocked* how is that possible?Cory: my p...

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Riley: yay! I can't wait to play with Uncle Josh! *squeals excitedly*
Maya: Riley your grown up uncle is going to play with us? *looks at Riley curiously*
Riley: Uncle Josh is 10 years old Maya *smiles*
Maya: *shocked* how is that possible?
Cory: my parents had him later in life Maya. He was three when Riley was born *smiles*
Maya: that's cool *starts wondering what Josh is like*
Amy: *rushes out of the house* I'm so glad you made it! *looks at Maya* this must be Maya! I'm glad you came!
Maya: *smiles* thank you Mrs. Matthews for inviting me.
Amy: well when Cory told me how my granddaughter has a best friend that they do everything together I knew I couldn't separate the two of you *smiles*
Riley: GRANDMA! *runs to hug Amy*
Amy: Riley! How are you doing sweet pea? *hugs her*
Riley: I'm good Grandma! Where's Uncle Josh? *smiles*
Amy: he's in the backyard. Why don't you take Maya with you and introduce them? *smiles*
Riley: okay Grandma! Come on Maya! *grabs Maya's hand before rushing to the backyard*
Allan: *playing basketball with Josh when he hears squeals and giggles* time out Josh. I think I hear Riley and her friend Maya.
Josh: Riley! *smiles*
Riley: *runs and sees Josh and Allan* Uncle Josh!
Josh: *hugs Riley* how are you niece?
Riley: I'm great Uncle Josh! Hi Grandpa! You have to meet my best friend Maya! *smiles at Maya* Maya this is my Uncle Josh and my Grandpa.
Maya: hi *waves shyly* I'm Maya.
Allan: it's nice to meet you Maya *smiles*
Josh: *smiles* hi I'm Josh! Want to play?
Maya: is that okay with you Riley? I don't want to steal your uncle *looks at Riley*
Riley: you're not stealing him peaches *smiles* let's all play!
*Josh, Riley, and Maya start running around the backyard laughing and having fun*

~back to present day~
Topanga: that summer you two were inseparable *smiles*
Josh: I remember when I saw Maya I couldn't help but think "she's cute" *laughs*
Maya: I remember thinking you were cute too boing *chuckles and hugs him* that was the best summer.
Riley: I honestly think during that summer you two were the best of friends *smiles* who would've thought that we'd end up here with you two almost dating?
Josh: I honestly thought that those feelings I had as a kid would go away but they didn't *laughs* you were so much fun Maya.
Maya: *looks at him skeptically* are you saying I'm not fun now?
Josh: *rolls his eyes* I mean I didn't think I'd have so much fun with you. When I heard you were coming for the summer I thought you'd be glued to Riley's side. I thought I wouldn't be able to spend time with my niece because you would be playing with her all the time. I also thought you were going to be a girly girl like Riley *laughs* boy was I wrong! You were such a tomboy and I loved it. I still love it *smiles*
Cory: I wasn't surprised that summer when you two were attached at the hip. It reminded me of myself with Shawn and Topanga. It was then I knew that you found your Shawn and Topanga. Your best friend and true love all in one *smiles*
Maya: I'm glad I met you Josh *rests her head on his shoulder*
Josh: me too ferret. No one else would've helped me silly string Mr. Feeny's car or egg people's houses *chuckles* we were so mischievous.
Riley: I'm glad you have each other. I'm glad Josh is the guy you want and need in life Maya. He'll be good for you and you'll be good for him. He needs a little rebelliousness in his life *smiles*
Josh: you do know you're talking about a 19 year old who has a motorcycle right? I think I have some rebelliousness in my life already *smirks*
Topanga: oh so you think it was all about you when you got it? You're denying that Maya popped into your head when you saw it? *looks at him knowingly*
Josh: alright I'll admit that when I saw it I did think about Maya riding with me. But I didn't get it just because of Maya *smiles*
Maya: but you did think of me? This was after the college party though... does that mean you really did stop thinking about me as a child? *looks at him with a smile*
Josh: Maya I always reciprocated your feelings. I just needed to stop hiding behind the age difference *rubs the back of his neck*
Maya: I'm glad you stopped hiding *smiles*
Topanga: I think we all are *chuckles* I'm glad you're big being honest about how you feel.
Maya: *an idea pops in her head* oh boing! *looks at him with her puppy eyes*
Josh: *sees her eyes and melts* what's up ferret?
Maya: can we go on a ride on your motorcycle? *starts pouting hoping to convince him*
Josh: *smiles* how can I say no to that face? Sure let's go.
Cory: watch out Josh. She's already able to get her way with just a pout and puppy eyes *chuckles*
Josh: I love her. I want her to be happy. If going for a ride on my motorcycle will put a smile on that gorgeous face, how can I deny her that? *grabs his keys and Maya's hand* we'll be back soon!
Maya: *walks out the door with Josh* lets go on an adventure! *smiles*
Josh: it's always an adventure with you but I'm loving it. Where do you want to go? *helps her put her helmet on*
Maya: Philly!
Josh: *laughs* Maya that's a long way to go on this motorcycle plus why Philly?
Maya: I haven't been to Philly since I was 10 *smiles*
Josh: okay let me rephrase my question. What is in Philly that you really want to see on a Saturday morning? *raises his eyebrow at her*
Maya: the treehouse. I want to see if it's still there. I want to sit in the same spot I sat in when we kissed. I want to go back and see it *bites her lip*
Josh: *smiles* I can guarantee you it's still there. Get on. I haven't seen my parents in a while anyways. I'll send Cory a quick text *grabs his phone to text Cory that they're going to Philadelphia*
Maya: *gets on and wraps her arms around Josh* why does it feel like I was meant to be on the back of your motorcycle?
Josh: *looks back at her* I don't know but I like it.  You ready? Hold on! *starts the engine and starts driving off*
Maya: *smiles and enjoys being so close to Josh* I love you Josh!
Josh: I love you too gorgeous *smiles*

A/N: that's the end of this chapter! Next chapter will be about their day trip to Philadelphia. It was originally part of this chapter but then I realized this chapter would've been super long. So I figured it would be better to put it in a separate chapter. Since it was going to be in this chapter, it's already written. I just want to edit a little bit and add a couple things. You can expect the next chapter later tonight or tomorrow morning 😛 I hope you guys are enjoying this story! I know that in some stories the writer time jumps to when Maya is 18 and then their someday comes. But this story is going to be slower. I am going to put a lot of events that will help them reach their someday and will help them grow. Remember what Josh said in girl meets ski lodge part 2? He wants her to live her life. And she is in this story but Josh will be around a lot. I've read a lot of stories about Josh leaving and not being around for years until he pops out to start someday. While I do love reading those kinds of stories, this story won't be like that. Josh will continually be there for Maya. He's not going to leave. Anyways enough of this rant (sorry!)... don't forget to comment and vote! Love you guys!

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