20. Back to square one

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Rhea's POV

I might have been crazy for even considering going to the club. And for what? One part of my mind wanted to go to confront Hadrian about why I was made unconscious while the other also wanted to go but for a complete different reason - just to spend a small amount of time with him even though it was going to lead to no where. I hated that part.

I quickly changed into clothes that seemed more appropriate for a club, opting for a grey bodysuit and leather skirt with a coat to keep warm. I grabbed my phone and keys then for the second time, went out. I didn't have to far before see the long queue of people waiting to get in. Most of them already looked drunk or high, cat calling to anyone who went past. I kept my head down and made my way towards the end of the queue until the bodyguard called me back.

"Hey you!" I pointed to myself which he nodded at. "Your boyfriend is waiting for you inside. Go to the bartender and say that you're with Hade. And, damn, he was right about you."

I had no clue what was right about me but I hurried through the doors with the shouts of anger following me from the people still in line. My boyfriend? Why would Kane be here? The bar was easy to spot as it was right in the centre of the club. I felt dizzy as the lights were coming from everywhere which made it harder to get there.

"What can I get you, sexy? You can get anything from me. Anything," the young bartender said to me when I got there, heavily flirting.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm with Hade."

"Hadrian DiRomero? Sh*t. Erm... He's at the back." He pointed towards the furthest part of the room on the right.

I thanked him but he took no notice as he began swearing under his breath. Making my way in the direction he told me, I adjusted my skirt feeling that it was too short even though the girls around me were wearing things that barley passed as clothing. My heart started beating faster the closer I got until I saw the guy I was looking for.

Hadrian gave me his usual grin which would cause any normal girl to faint unlike me who fainted on the inside. He was sitting in a secluded booth and gestured that I should sit with him.

Once I was settled, I went straight to the point. "Explain what happened before."

"Not much really."

"So you're saying that coming back from the dead, moving in the room next to me, possessing weapons and knocking me out is not much?"

His grin deepened. "That's exactly what I'm saying."

I groaned with frustration. "Why can't you just give me a straight answer?"

"Because you want to know all the irrelevant things."

"How is you dying irrelevant?"

"It's irrelevant at this moment in time," he said. His grey eyes suddenly got lighter. "Let's play a game."

"Are you five?"

"No. I'm 20 actually."

I was surprised because I had no idea when his birthday was. But if he died would his birthday change-

"I came back on my birthday so it's the same day," he interrupted. "Anyway, we'll play truth or dare."

"That's an easy game," I told him.

"Then you'll have no trouble playing it."

The challenging look didn't tell me that he was going to be fair or that this would end nicely.

"I'll start," I said. "Truth or dare?"

He thought for a second. "Truth."

"Who did you meet up with today."

"A little Fae group that think they're the mythical mafia. Truth or dare?"

"Truth," I answered. It seemed like the safer option.

"Good choice. Do you actually like Kane?"

"I change my answer. Dare." I wasn't going to discuss my relationship with Hadrian. He smirked at me then cupped his hands together and opened them to reveal a vodka shot.



The night continued with more shots and dares with truths that would be forgotten the next day. At this point we had left the booth and were dancing along with the crowds of people that were drunk.

I laughed as Hadrian spun me around, not in time with the music being played around us. My cheeks were flushed either from the heat or the alcohol I had consumed. He then pulled me towards him causing my body to press against his. My arms rested on his shoulders as his own were placed on my hips while he swayed us to the beat. I didn't take any notice of where we were when he pressed his lips just below my ear.

"Truth or dare, princess?" He mumbled against my skin.

I held back a moan and tilted my head to give him more access as his trailed his lips further down. "Truth."

"How drunk are you on a scale from 1 to 10?"

"7 maybe. Or 6. I don't know. Truth or dare?"

He gently bit the skin on my neck before sucking it, giving me a hickey. "Dare," he finally said.

Subconsciously I knew what we were doing was wrong but my common sense was buried under the alcohol and the feelings Hadrian brought out of me. "I dare you to...kiss me anywhere except my mouth."

"Are sure?" he asked. I nodded. For a moment I thought he was going to back out until he leaned forward. His lips met with my jaw and he let them stay there before running them towards my collar bone . My body was now hot from all the teasing but Hadrian didn't stop his onslaught. Slowly, he began to rain kisses up my neck till he reached the corner of my mouth, pausing there.

I couldn't breathe. He took a step back making me feel colder than before but I could tell he was affected as I was.

"Time to go," he said lowly.



Well then...

I'll make a Q & A page so don't think I'm ignoring your questions, it's easier that way. And if your question isn't on there, I'll just reply as a comment ^▽^


XO Nyx_

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