Chapter 1

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The alarm clock on my bedside table rang and I quickly woke to get ready for work. I took a shower and wore  black pencil skirt with a white blouse. I applied minimum amount of makeup and tied my hair in a ponytail. I was so excited as I have dreamed this for many years. Today was my first day as the Vice President of Anderson&Co. I worked in that company for 5 years and worked so hard that I was elected as the vice president of that company. I was so happy that finally my hard work paid off. Today I was going to meet the owner and President of the company Mr Edan Anderson. Well, I have heard quite about him that he is very handsome and arrogant but I've never met him personally.

I quickly walked out of my room taking my purse and slipping my phone in it. The smell of pancakes hit my nostrils as I entered the kitchen my best friend Megan was cooking breakfast. We share the apartment she used to be my neighbour in my hometown and we moved to New York together and since then we are very good friends. Megan is a fashion designer she just got her degree and is working under the very famous fashion designer Anastasia.

"Good Morning, Meg!" I greeted and she turned around to face me.

"Good Morning Sam! You look beautiful today! Finally you have achieved your dream and today is your first day. I'm so proud of you." She replied hugging me.

"Thanks Meg! Now hurry up with the breakfast I don't want to get late on my first and get a scolding from my boss. I've heard that he is very punctual and doesn't like his employees getting late." I said.

She served me the breakfast. After saying goodbye to Megan I quickly sat in my car and drove to the company. I reached the company after 15 minutes. I parked my car in the parking lot and taking a deep breath I walked inside the gates of the company. I was greeted by good mornings, congratulations and best of luck from everyone.

I made my way towards the lift and taking a deep breath I pressed the button to 15th floor which was the top floor where there were only three people president, his PA and vice president. First I used to be on 10th floor as the head of finance department.

Ding! The lift came to a halt and the sound of doors opening snapped me out of my thoughts.

As I walked outside the lift to my left was a desk which I assume was his PA's and as I walked forward I noticed to my right were two offices one had my name on the door in golden

Samantha Jones
Vice President

I brushed my hands on it and as I was about to walk inside I saw the doors to the lift opening I saw a man walk in his head down as he was busy typing something in his phone.

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