Chapter 7

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Hey guys! I'm back! Sorry you had to wait too long for the update. Listen to this medley above. It's a medley of Too good at goodbyes by Michael Constantino. His voice is heaven seriously!

Samantha's POV

After I gained consciousness, I was prescribed some vitamins and a lot of rest. After being discharged from the hospital I was given Friday and the weekend off by my boss. Also someone else will complete the rest of the project which I left.

Today is Friday and I'm sitting at home getting bored. As I was about to go in the kitchen to get some snacks my phone rang. It was my cousin, Dylan. We are very close since childhood and he is like an elder brother I never had. But last year he shifted to Italy for his job. I quickly answer the call.

"Hey, Dy! How are you? Where are you? Are you back? When are you coming to see me?" I ranted on the phone. I heard a chuckle from the other side and then he replied,

"Woah, slow down tiger! I'm fine! Yes I'm back but on a business trip for a week. Actually we can meet up now if you are not busy."

"I'm on leave today so you text me the address I'll be there!"

"OK I'll see in an hour. Bye Sami!"

I immediately went to have a shower after getting dressed I took my keys and went to the parking lot. I put the address on GPS and drove there, it was not that far. I quickly parked my car and was putting my keys in my bag when I bumped into someone. I looked up to apologized,

"Miss Jones? I thought you were resting at your house?" He raised an eyebrow waiting for me to answer. As I was about to reply Dylan came to me and he gave me a tight hug and whispered in my ear,

"I missed you so much Sami!"

"I missed you too, Dy"

We broke the hug when we heard someone clearing their throat, Mr Anderson was standing there with his jaw clenched and was glaring at us. What's up with him? Strange guy, seriously.

"I gave you the weekend off to rest and here you are roaming around with your boyfriend! You know what, I want you to report to the office tomorrow I think you are well enough to be back at work." He ordered. Geez, what is his problem? Wait did he say boyfriend?

"Mr Anderson-" I was about say something when he cut me off rudely.

"I don't want to hear your excuses! Save them!" I was shocked at his mood swings ,he was fine like a minute ago. Dylan was about to say something when I held his arm as I did not want to lose my job to which I gave 5 years of my life. Mr Anderson eyed my hand on his arm and left.

Just as he left Dy asked me, "Who the hell does he think he is? Why did you stop me?"

"He is my boss he can be cranky sometimes, ignore him. So anyways, let's go have lunch I want to spend some time with you before you leave again." After that, we had lunch and we went to my apartment and we binge watched friends, our all time favourite show.

I went to sleep thinking about Mr Anderson's weird behaviour and what tomorrow has in store for me.

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