chapter 4

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one month later....

lenalee pov

i touched him. i touched him and it wasn't awkward at all. it wasn't weird to put my arm in his while we walked through the halls of school. wasn't weird to sit really close to him during lunch. i swear my blood might boil every time im in his vicinity. "lenalee..." he said. we were sitting together at a lunch table. "hmm?" i said. " gonna go out on a limb and ask em to prom with me. i think that we have become good friends by now and it wont be weird if i ask him to come to prom with me," he said. "him?" i dont remember a he that he was talking about. this whole time i could have sworn that he was talking about another girl....or maybe me. "its gonna be a little weird but im sure i could come up with something to convince him to come to prom with me," he said. dont panic. dont panic. dont panic! shit. this whole time he been gay, hasn't he? no! i dont wanna believe it. "im sure your friend would love to come with know, as a friend," i said. he seemed to think it over. "you know what? that makes a lot of sense. thanks lenalee. ill talk to him later on today after he gets off work," he seemed to be happy about it. i let out a deep breath of relief. that was a close one. i thought he might have been gay for a minute.

"sooo....did you ask him?" asked Miranda. we were in my room making sure that our dresses fit well. "uugghh!! i swear he might just be the most dense guy in the world. we been talking about prom plans and everything and he still hasn't noticed that i sorta still dont have a date to prom. i thought i had made it obvious that he was to be my date to prom but he dont seem to get it," ranted. i heard my phone beep. i looked at it.

lavi (future husband): btw did you ever find someone to go to the prom with? i haven't heard you talking about no one

she busted out laughing, reading the text over my shoulder. "you see this shit, Miranda? ive turned down like three guys already RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM, giving them the excuse that i had someone already. i would hint with my eyes that it was him but he didnt even notice. instead he would always tell me about one of his friends that lives with him," i grunted, thinking about what to text him back. it might be the fact that im trying to go with the subtle approach. he might only understand if i tell him flat out. she raised a brow. "some friend? what's he saying about them?" she asked. "little shit like 'we were talking all day about the basket ball game. he said that if he could find some tickets, he wants me to go with him'. he would go on and on about some guy who he is spending a lot of time with. apparently they are 'best friends' now," i grunted. she sucked her teeth. "what?" i grunted, looking at her. she was sporting a baby blue dress for the prom. bitch was looking like that dress was made for her. she was working the fuck outta them heels. "its obvious, girl. you know its actually sorta tragic. i thought you guys were gonna be the next me and krory but that a huge no go," she made and x with her arms. "what? what the hell are you talking about?" i muttered, trying my best to catch on to what she was saying. "bitch dont make me say it. lavi. is. GAY! its sooo obvious. i mean, didnt you guys go swimming together? he saw you in your swim suit and DIDNT get a boner. even krory still gets a boner when he sees you in your swim suit. hell! if i had a dick i would get a boner looking at you and ive seen you naked so face it. im gonna spell it out for you: lavi, the man who you are crushing really hard on is a closet homosexual. sure people are convinced you guys are dating and its not like he is denying them but you know the truth. he is gay," she said. "he's not gay. he is a virgin, just like moi, and we are saving ourselves for marriage...or at least after prom," i flipped my hair dramatically. yeah. that's what it is. "im telling you, lenalee. all you are doing is setting yourself up for heartbreak," she shrugged. im not in denial. we will be just fine. i mean, this is high school. he is just trying to find himself. they will all see. im not crazy.

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