chapter 23

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three days later....

reader pov

"why are we coming back here?" i asked as daisya drove to the warehouse. "we gotta do a progress report and get you more information to sell. im sure the scouts have more for you," he grunted. it was pretty dark so i couldn't really see where we were going. its been a long time since ive seen that wisely guy. he only contacts me via text and email and most of those go through daisya. "how often are these check ins?" i asked. "once a week. i go every time i run out of product which is around every two weeks but since im taking care of you, i have to go where you go," he said. i sighed. "how long do i have to do this? i cant really move on with my life with this holding me back," i grunted. i was thinking about going to college so i can put myself in a position to do a little better. get all my schooling out the way while im still young. me and kanda had been working since our freshman year of high school, taking care of ourselves. we continued to work for two years after high school so we could have our own money and build some good skills and work experience. id like to get into a good college by the time i turn 21 at the latest but i wont mind if i move on early. i dont know, it might be the fact that i dont really have friends that im thinking about the future right now. get a four year degree, work at some company that pays well, probably get into a really good long term relationship. get married, adopt some more kids, take care of the one i got. make sure that im set for the rest of my life. i cant put my life on hold forever. "i dont know. really you just need to come up with a flow, like me. been doing this since i was able too about three years ago. the drops take less than five minutes if you work it right and everything goes smoothly. pay is really good. you can live off of it. basically, you just gotta coexist with it. it never really goes away, especially with your job. you have a reputation for knowing things that could help people and you sell it to the highest bidder. id say your best bet would be to move far away," he said. "that doesnt sound very secure. wouldn't they just look for me?" i asked. "if you still have relevant information. get into a position where you can control the flow of info so that you have less important info to sell. the longer you are in, the more likely the info you have will outdate. at that point, wisely would try to make you come back by offering some incentives or something and try to coax you into taking it so that you will stay. really you just gotta talk to wisely. he will tell you what you can do to get out of this," he said. he pulled into a garage that was all dark.

he took my hand and led me through some halls, up some stairs, all in the dark. guess im not susposed to know where this place is. we were walking down a hall and i saw some light coming from under a door. looks familiar from the last time i was here. im pretty sure he took a different route than last time. he lead me to the door. he opened the door, letting out a lot of light, revealing a bead curtain. we walked through it, only to come to another door. he knocked on the door. "come in," i recognized wisely's voice. door was opened, revealing the man sitting cross legged on a mat facing away from us. he wore jeans and a grey hoodie with a scarf tied around his head. there was a small desk situated between him and two more mats. "welcome back, ian! how was your first few days?" he had a sing song voice as he turned around to face us. he motioned to the mat across from him. i took a seat, crossing my legs again. "one appointment the first day; 6 appointments the next two days? didnt really expect such a high jump in activity," i said. he offered me another cup of tea. i took a sip. it was pretty good. "just trying to break you in as soon as i possibly can. best thing about info brokers is that everyone knows of one and now they do. you are known all over the city at the info broker so people will come to talk to you, asking you for information in exchange for info and/or money. at this point, you will pretty much control it on your own," he snapped his fingers. a smartphone was handed to me. i looked at the guy. tall and buff with a rape face smile but....cute. guess i have pretty weird taste. i looked at the phone. looked out dated but works. he handed me a charger to go with it. "that is the phone that people will use to contact you. the number is already in circulation. talk with daisya about how to set up drops and how to record and exchange info. really daisya will be walking you through it all. umm....oh. you haven't met my body guard, socalo," he gestured to the burly guy.

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