chapter 42

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three weeks later.....

reader pov

"i cant come, ian. i gotta work to pay the bills. i need every hour i can get," said chalker as he got changed. he had just gotten off work and would be free for the rest of the day. "call of sick, chalker. we need you there. its just for the weekend. just friday, Saturday, and sunday. back in work on monday. we cant lose you cause you working all the damn time," i argued. he was being difficult. "tsk...even if i did have the time to go, why would i go when im literally gonna be the only one there who is single? you got the rich guy, kaz has his new one, even edgar has a girlfriend! id be all alone in the damn room waiting for you guys to get done gettin intimate with ya lovers. i already am depressed enough, ian. i dont wanna become suicidal," he retorted. "the reason you dont have a girlfriend is cause you are working all the fucking time. you dont even need a girlfriend right now. you just need to get your dick wet. its not like we would spend he whole time just going to the park. there are some night clubs as well as a few parties, not to mention the pool party friday night so there will be plenty of time to get laid. you just have to go. i wont let you be lonely for a second. its gonna be the four of us. for this occasion, the lovers will come second. i dont want us drifting apart cause of shit like this. we both know that this is how it starts. one guy cant make it cause of work, then another, then the last one and before we know it, we are all back at square one. you are coming on this trip whether you want to or not," i said. "just....just give it up, ian. if we arent meant to be, we arent meant to be. we had a good run. we--" i walked over and gripped his shirt. i slapped him right across the face, earning a shocked expression. "listen to yourself, chalker. are you really ok with us not being friends no more? are you REALLY ok with going back to how things were? would you really be ok if i never came over ever again? much less simply inviting myself inside while you are in the shower? ARE YOU OK WITH BEING ALONE AGAIN!!" i slapped him a few more times. he busted out laughing, gripping my hand. "i fucking hate you, ian. i really hate you for making sense," he chuckled. i nodded before backing away, wiping the dust off of him. "im glad you understand. pack your shit and meet us at my boyfriend's house. he already got the rental and the hotel rooms so we are heading out this afternoon," i said. "yeah," he muttered, grabbing a suitcase.

later on that afternoon.....

"i dont know if this is a good idea," grunted nea. we moved about in the room getting him some clothes together for the trip. SOMEONE decided to wait till the last minute. "you are right. this is probably a terrible idea but im not gonna let my friends disappear for good. ive lost one set of friends cause of some shit. im not gonna loose them," i stuffed some of his jeans in the suitcase. "but what does that have to do with me? i dont need to go to this," he muttered as i zipped up his suitcase. "a few reasons: you are my boyfriend so you need to be there when im drunk and horny so i wont cheat, i need an excuse to get away from the guys sometimes so we could bond at the park, and....well you are the one paying for this. you should enjoy it too," i said. "yeah but--" "what are you gonna be doing while im gone, huh? sitting in the room masturbating or acting like you really need to go to the office?" i raised a brow. he looked away with a dark blush. "exactly so you are coming with. period," i picked up his suitcase. he sighed.

we headed out to the front yard to meet everyone. chalker was already here, carrying a duffle bag up the front sidewalk. kazaana just pulled up with his new girlfriend in the passenger seat. still have yet to meet her some im excited. they got out the car. they waved and i waved back. chalker got up to the door. "shit, you weren't lying when you said he was loaded," he said as he looked over nea's estate. "oh you have no idea but what happened to your suitcase?" i asked. "duffle bag works better. three pairs of jeans, some stuff to sleep in, undies and tees, and some hygiene products all fit in this bag," he put it on the ground. kazaana started walking up, dragging two suitcases with him. walking next to him was a woman who i wish i would have talked to before i went gay. i really want her to bare me children. she was that gorgeous. "dont be staring at my girlfriend like that, ian. you gonna get her hopes up," kazaana joked. "tsk....where have YOU been all my life?" i said, taking her hand in mines and kissing the knuckle. she chuckled. "im emilia galmgar and its a pleasure to finally meet you," she said, a light blush coming on her cheeks. i looked at kazaana. he was scratching his neck nervously. "how on earth did YOU end up with someone as beautiful as this? i swear i feel a twitch downstairs, kaz," i raised a brow. "i know right! im still shocked how it happened too," he said. i noticed edgar's car pulling up behind kazaana's. he got out and pulled a suitcase from the back before making his way up the sidewalk. he was all by himself. i let her hand go and looked at him. "so now the great edgar martin graces us with his presence? and where is the miracle girlfriend?" i raised my hands in a 'wtf' gesture. "she had to stay home with the baby so im riding solo this weekend," he shrugged. we were all together except...damn it. "hold on a minute. someone is being shy," i turned and walked back inside.

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