chapter 21

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wisely pov

the door to my office was pushed open. "damn it! why must you always mess up my concentration? i told you over and over again to KNOCK. i swear to god if you bust into my office again, im gonna shoot you," i growled, turning on my mat to see who had came to the door. it was daisya and......"who is this?" i asked, pointing to the guy standing next to him. "this is the guy i was telling you about. the one who saw us making the drop," he said. i sighed. looks like he managed to catch the guy. "its about time. frisk him for a wire," i said. daisya grinned wide. the guy put his arms up as daisya started rubbing on him, feeling his chest and stomach before shoving his hand down the front of his pants. he started feeling around in there, a dark blush coming over his cheeks. " pretty confident that if i were wearing a wire, it wouldn't be on my dick," grunted the guy. "that's....that's something else," daisya muttered, his blush darkening. "out, daisya. im tired of watching you openly feel up our honored guest," i said. he glared at me, finally removing his hand and walking out, grumbling to himself. "im sorry about that. daisya is......he is something else. please, have a seat," i motioned to the matt across from me. he raised a brow before walking over and sitting down, crossing his legs.

" sure you are wondering about why you are here but i assure you: its all good. my name is wisely. im the boss of this here gang that runs this city. could i have your name?" i said, reaching out a hand. he took it cautiously. "call me ian," he said. i nodded, letting go. "ok, ian. i must say, this is something of a dilemma i have on my hands here. to put it simply: join us or die...." his eyes widened,", now. joining us isn't as bad as you would think. it comes with a lot of perks that, in my opinion, would make it worthwhile," i offered. he raised a brow. "im not selling drugs or killing anyone so you can forget it," he deadpanned. "tsk....i wouldn't trust you with one of those jobs anyway so that works out. what we do need right now information broker. basically someone who can keep alot of secrets. you, ian, would be something of a linchpin for the gangs based in this city, simply exchanging information for more information. naturally you would do so only to benefit us," i took a sip of my tea. "would you like some tea?" i offered. "that....that doesnt sound very safe to me," he said. i took another sip. "oh its probably the most dangerous job in the entire system which is why i will assign you a body guard, or a few body guards, to keep you safe," i said. "why trust a newbie with such an important job?" he asked, taking a sip of tea. "simple really: you avoided us for a month, having witnessed on more than one occasion some of our activities. you are literally the only person ever to witness something we were doing and lived," i said. "strict coincidence, wisely. i happened to be walking down the street and glanced down an alley, every time. this is nothing more than bad luck on my part," he grunted.

"see! its that thinking right there that will make your time with us miserable. you must look at the bright side! we pay pretty well if i dont say so myself and its clean money so you wont have to worry about drawing attention from baddies or the po-po. handle your work discreetly. dont trust anyone but your bodyguards and me. people will flock to you when they find out that you are an information broker. travel the city and learn as much as you can. then sell the info to the highest bidder," i said. he sighed. "its not like i have a choice. how much is the pay?" he asked. "solid rate of 5k a month plus a 20% cut of what you sell. we also have a wonderful bonus system in place, giving you access to a wide variety of our merchandise. we have every type of weed, kush, mary jane, marijuana, as well as coke, smack, crack, heroine, prescription oxycodone and a host of other goodies. we even have a wide variety of beer, liquor, and fine wine. im very much proud of our inventory," i said, giving him a confident smile.

"none of that interests me in the least. i just wanna do the bare minimum and attempt to live a somewhat normal life," he grunted, taking another sip. i pouted. "you dont want no weed? come on, man. i got some special weed that i be growing in my backyard! you know you want some of this good shit," i grunted. "when and how am i getting all this information? i dont have any info to sell right now," he said. "ill actually be giving you a lot of information in just a few minutes. i also have a few info exchanges already set up too sooo.....i need to pick a body guard for ya," i furrowed my brow in concentration. i dont have very many people who could protect someone so important. socalo is getting out of prison in a few days but....well he is my personal body guard. "unfortunately...i only have one guy available to be your body guard...."

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