chapter 46

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9 months later....

nea pov

before i knew it, it was two years. the time just flew by. didnt even think about it until i woke up this morning and...well he wasn't there. at first i panicked, sobbing and everything. then i found a note next to the bed. it was so nice.

dont panic. im coming back later on this afternoon. happy birthday. love ya!


literally made my heart melt. i had called up all the family, keeping to the tradition as usual. the whole family will gather at my house to stay the whole day. great time to introduce my boyfriend, right? they will get to see him when he walks in with my gift...whatever it is. i dont even want to try and guess what it is. i want to be shocked just like everyone else. there was a knock at the door. i giddily made my way to the door and opened it. "hey uncle nea!! happy birthday!" chimed jasdero. him and devit made their way inside, each giving me a hug. i was happy. i was really happy. just two years ago, i was happy about the family coming over cause i was lonely. now im happy because i have a surprise for everyone. i barely had time to sit down before there was another knock at the door. i walked back over and opened it. it was rhode, timothy, and edgar. im still so happy to see the couple of about a year now. they just work so well together. they would always be texting back and forth if they were ever separated like when we would go on trips. since i wasn't there, i couldn't watch the boy while they went so she had to stay. more hugs and happy birthdays from the three before they made their way to the sofa. i went into the kitchen to get the snacks ready for tonight. todays activity is a variety of party games. monopoly, twister, sorry, etc. all of em. gonna be a fun night.

some idle chatter with everyone catching up before there was another knock on the door. i opened it to reveal a very solemn sheril. "whats wrong?" i asked as he walked inside. he just grunted, not wanting to talk about it, i presume. before i closed the door, i noticed tyki pulling up. i waited as he got out the car and made his way up, tears just flowing down his face. he just pulled me into a hug. apparently he wasn't having a good day either. "wanna talk about it?" i asked as i rubbed his back soothingly. he nodded and sniffled. i closed the door and followed him to one of the room.

i closed the door and sat in the chair while he sat on the bed. "tell me whats wrong?" i asked. he sighed, wiping his eyes. " bad, uncle nea. about a year and a half since ive been with anyone. i just cant get him out of my head. im just thinking about finding him and just coming out cause i cant take this no more. my agent keeps giving me roles in love stories and romance novels and its be....soooooo hard to look at women lately. to tell them i love them. to kiss and hold them when im the one who wants to be held. how long must i do this? must i put up this front. everyone thinks im straight. they think im just hiding my girlfriend and meeting up with her under the radar at random motels. that's what the press says anyway. me, i have to keep up my signature grin. tell everyone not to worry about it. make it seem like my secrets are impossible to uncover when all i wanna do is be free, uncle nea. i wanna be free and out in the open but im so.....soooo scared of coming out alone. it was easy for him to get out of it. he was openly gay but not me. i made the stupid mistake of telling him it was only sex when i wanted sooo much more. he said he was willing too. if i would have asked just a little bit earlier, he would have jumped on the opportunity and i wouldn't have came here with out him. i would have been a new man long must i do this, uncle nea?" he just started to sob. i moved over and pulled him into a hug. "all i can say is do what feels right, tyki. i cant give you advice on this because i was always openly gay. just do whatever will make you happy in the end," i whispered. he nodded. " gonna find him. im in the city for a few weeks on a break. ill put on my disguise and find him," he said, finally pulling himself together. i nodded.

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