chapter 31

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two months later....

reader pov

i sighed. i took the ACT's: got a 25 so that's good. i filled out a bunch of scholarships: won about 20k so that's really good. i was able to get into a good university about three cities away. got room and board, unlimited meal plan, got my car. i just filled out and submitted the 'room mate match survey' that's supposed to put you with a roommate that shares your habits. ok. all of that is taken care of. now.....well i need to lose suman. its terrible really but....well its pretty clear that we arent gonna work. at least at his point in my life. i sighed. i hope he doesnt take it the wrong way. its just not gonna work out. who knows? he might actually be thinking the same thing. ok. im gonna hope for the later and we will be just fine.

his eyes widened. "w-w-what?! why?" shit. they were started to stream down his face. "its not you, its me, suman...." shit. how many times have i heard that same line in the movies,"....its just...shit.  i dont know how to put this in a way that wont make it seem like its your fault. im young, suman. i dont want to get married....right now, if that makes any sense and i know that if we are together for maybe two-ish years? maybe a little less than that, you are gonna want me to put a ring on it and i cant make that kinda commitment just yet so.....we need to split but dont worry, babe, its gonna be just fine. you sexy as fuck. all you gotta do is put yaself out there and you will land you a good man, hopefully a little closer to your age or at least already has a degree and the like soooooo...this is it for us, ok suman?" i took his hands in mine and kissed his knuckles. they were still pouring out but he seemed to get the message. i pulled him into a tight hug, not leaving space between us at all. he hesitated before hugging me back, wrapping his arms around my neck and holding me tight. i pulled away and kissed him. he kissed ferociously,  as if he were trying to get the next ten years full. good thing i had already packed or else i would be late to move-in-day at the university. i pulled away and let him go. "dont be sad, be glad, babe. you can officially say you dumped such a fine ass man like moi," i gave him a dramatic bow before getting into my car. i waved as i pulled off. i really hope he isn't as devastated as he looked. or else i would feel a little bit guilty know, not being affected about this at all. i guess i could have seen this coming a really long time ago so i mentally prepared my self for it but i dont know. im good. i feel fine. ok. i headed to the college, leaving everything in my hometown behind.

suman pov

shit. i knew this was coming but it still hurts like a motherfucker. we had been together for months but....shit. i looked at the little black box, pissed at myself for him being right about me. right about us. right about how i wanted us to be in the future. i was praying that he would say he wanted us to still be together. i was hoping that he wouldn't be like i had imagined him to be when he showed up here this morning. i sighed. i honestly didnt know why i got the ring. even if he didnt come here to break up with me, i dont think this would have been the right time to propose honestly. at this point i think im just desperate. if it were that easy to find another one then i probably wouldn't have gotten with ian, having already been married by now. i sighed. guess its back to the drawing board for me. it was good while it lasted. oh god was it good while it lasted. i loved the thought. since he was young, i honestly wanted him to be dumb and say yes quickly. just as quickly as if we were in different positions. i sulked back into my house. apparently i need to get back on dating websites or something. being single again after being in such a long relationship sucks.

later on that morning....

reader pov

i was directed through the parking lot to the occupants area. i gave them my verification. "just park your car, mr (L/n). go ahead and get all your things ready. someone will be around to help you to your dorm room," i nodded and pulled away.

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